7 | Hide and seek

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"Guys, wanna go to Club Tesla? I'm bored" Hoseok came in.

"Yes!!" "Okay" Taehyung and Jimin agreed and stood up.

" What about you Ivy? Do you want to come?"

I shook my head "I have school tomorrow and I can't be bothered."

Jimin nodded and went to go fetch the other boys.

Atleast I'll be home alone tonight, which I means I can raid the fridge! I've never been able to do it because I'm too scared that Seokjin would get mad.

"Alright boys lets go"

All of them went out the door, leaving me alone in the house


I jump to my feet and run to my bedroom, I put on some shorts and a tank top, then I turned the heating on.

Then I trotted over to the fridge.

oh my god it's beautiful

It's full of yummy looking snacks.

I grab a delicious-looking blueberry muffin and shove it in my mouth.

"MMM" it was so good

Next I got the dairy milk giant chocolate bar out and took a couple of squares.

Then I got another muffin and stuffed it in my face.

But then-

I felt a pair of strong arms around my waist.

I dropped my muffin and stopped chewing.

I turn around.

"That was my muffin you know."


" I thought you went with the other guys" I said while my mouth was still full.

"I said I wasn't feeling too good, and now.. for your punishment" he closes the fridge door and pushes me against it.

"What's my punishment then?" I sigh

"Hide and seek"

I raise an eyebrow at him, "what are you, five?"

He jerked his head over to the living room. "I'm going to count in there, you have a minute to hide."

"I don't wanna play kiddy games"

"Fifty-nine fifty-eight" he started to count down.

"Stop it Jungkook I'm not playing." I say while picking up my- I mean his muffin.

"Fifty-four fifty-three fifty-two"

Once I realised that he won't stop counting, I made a run for it.

First I run into jimins room, but all the spots were too obvious.

Next, Joonie's room. There's not much hiding spots in there.

Now, I'm in Seokjins room, awh he has a mini kitchen, that's the perfect hiding spot! I think to myself.

I only just managed to fit into the cupboard at the bottom.

Then I heard a "ready or not.. here. I. Come."

Why does he make it sound so scary.

After a while I get bored, has he given up and not told me? He hasn't been in seokjins room and it's been about 10 minutes.

Numbness was taking over my feet, making it hard for me to stay still.
I open the cabinet door and I adjust my legs.

And my eyes met up with another


"I found you baby"

I sighed and rubbed my face.

"Okay yeah yeah I'll buy you a new muffin okay?"

He tsks "I don't want a new muffin, I want that one.. so I'll just have to take it out of you"

ok that's weird

"What're you gonna do? Shove your hand down my throat?" I said weirded out

I got out of the cabinet and stood in front of him.

"Eh something like that" he trapped me between his arms.

"Well I'm hungry and I can't be bothered to deal with you." I let myself out of his trap and walked to the door.

"You're a bit too sassy Miss Kim, but I have an idea to change how to change that."

Before closing the door behind me I say "Let me know when you figure out how to do that"

Now that's over and done with, I can finish with what I was doing.


I open the fridge door and take another few squares of the dairymilk.

And then~ Jungkook closed the door from behind me.

"Come. ON. Jungkook leave. me. alon-"

I turn around to see jungkook, stood there, without a shirt on.

"Okay you look fine, now let me finish eating."

I try to move his hand but it won't budge.

"No I'm not finished." He used a deep voice, which scared the crap out of me.

"Touch me then I'll call namjoon, simple.." he leaned his head closer to my neck.

"You call Namjoon then I'll have to punish you a second time, simple" I felt his breath on my neck.

It made me shiver

"Now Ivy.. whats your favourite snack"

I didn't answer him.

"Hey" there's a spark of a raspy growl in his voice, he grabs the back of my head and pulls on my hair "Don't ignore me Kim Ivy."

"What happened to this morning..? You was all shocked about me being in highschool.."

He chuckled under his breath. "Yeah and I'm only 21, and I've realised, it dosent matter who it is, and how old they are, just as long as you love them"

I widened my eyes at his words


"You don't love me, you just tease me because you're bored now leave me alone."

I slip out of his grip and to the couch.

I sat down, turning the tv on.

"Ivy I make it quite obvious that I want you and only you."

I roll my eyes and sit back.

Then he sits down with me.

"Ivy I'll show you how much I want you."

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