12 | Thighs

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Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"Hey babygirl, we're leaving!!"

I sigh out of relief.

Jungkook groans.

I stand up

Jungkook walks over to me and kisses my cheek, then he slowly moves his head, hovering his lips over mine.

I just leaned forward and pecked his lips, then opened the door.

"Did you guys have fun..?" Jisa asks

"No?" I cross my arms.

"Then why is Jungkook smiling?! Hmm?" I look back at jungkook, and he's hiding his face.

Is he really that happy because I kissed him-

"Anyway, we need to go back.. Namjoon is probably shitting himself he's that worried."

We all laugh and walk outside.

"Yo Ivy can I sit in the front with Jisa?" Jimin asked.


"Yes okay fine, just because I'm a good friend.."

Jimin and Jisa giggle.

We reach the car and jimin gets in the front with Jisa while I'm in the back with jungkook..  :(

"Ivy can you sit next to me" Jungkook asks while patting the middle seat.

"No.." I cross my arms and look out the window.

"Please..?" He used such a soft voice

I just couldn't say no

"Okay fine whatever.." I shuffle over to the middle seat, and tried to put on my seatbelt, but jungkook stopped me.

"You won't be needing that on baby"  he whispered to me.

My stomach dropped

I slowly put my seatbelt back.

I got comfortable, crossed my arms and leaned back.

Then the car started.

At first, nobody was talking.. but then Jimin tried to start a conversation by saying-

"Soo.. what did you guys do in there?"

I let jungkook do the talking

"We had a lot of fun" his hand creeps onto my inner thigh, through the split in my skirt.

"What?! No no it's was just jungkook moaning about- oW"

Jungkook pinches my leg.

"So yeah we had a good time"

"Goooood" Jisa winks at me through the sunviser mirror.

I sighed, grabbed Jungkooks wrist and pushed it away from me.

I saw him at the corner of my eye, staring at me.

He looked at Jisa, and then Jimin.

They were both talking to eachother.

Then he turns me around, and places me on his lap.

"Jungkook seriously.. Fuck. Off."

I inched closer to his face after every word, trying to scare him.

But instead he takes that as an opportunity to kiss me again.

He leans into me, and places his lips on mine.

With one hand, he cupped my face, and the other, he was stroking his hand up and down my thigh.

"Holy shit Ivy"

Turns out that we was at the apartment already.

I pull myself away from him, and off of his lap, "he lifted me onto his lap and kissed me!"

"So correct" he pushes me down, so I'm laying under him.

"Aha well, Jisa, would you like to come it for a chat? And you know leave these for some privacy wink wink"

Jisa nods, "that's a brilliant idea!"

They both get out, leaving me in Jungkooks arms.

"Jungkook, please get off of me.."

I put my hands on his chest, trying to push him away. But he didn't move.

"No babygirl, I have you all to myself."

I sighed

Then he fell on top of me, smashing his lips against mine.

Then his hand crept up my thigh until it reached the end of the split, then he ripped it.

~Jimins POV~

"What do you think Ivy and Jungkook are doing" I ask Jisa.

"Probably trying to swallow eachothers faces off" she giggles.

I pushed myself off the couch and looked out of the window, I forgot.. the car windows are tinted..

"Shouldn't we see if Ivy's okay? She seemed very uncomfortable with Jungkook" I put my hand on the door knob.

Jisa nods and follows me out the door.

I open the door on Jungkooks side.

"Yeah but that gives you no rights to-"

Ivy's eyes left Jungkooks and met mine.

"Woah~ ivy what happend to your skirt" Jisa asks

I glance down at her skirt, but turned away once I realised it was ripped in half, revealing her black lace underwear.

"Oh, this jerk right here did it!" She points to Jungkook.

"Yes but I like her better in her underwear.." he moans.

Ivy slaps his arm


"Okay let's just get in the house okay?!"

Ivy looks down at her bottom half.

3 minutes later
~Ivy's POV~

"Jungkook you didn't need to carry me"

"You said you didn't want anyone seeing your underwear sooo, you're welcome!"

I roll my eyes.

We get inside the apartment, and jungkook carries me to my room.

"Thank you and you're welcome"

I tilt my head, " why are you saying thank you?"

His eyes trail off, "I- never mind.." he walks out of my room.

a/n ~ chapter 12 is fiiiinnally out, Anaya has been pissing herself LMAO

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