9 |abuse!

31 3 13

The whole class looked at me and I turned my head away, hiding my embarrassed face.

"Sorry Miss Kim but I've been told that if you use your phone in class, I need to take it away"

He picks my phone up off the floor and takes it back to the desk.

"Good morning, I'm your new sex education teacher!"

While all the girls were basically drooling, I was so annoyed, and to be honest.. I don't even know why

"My name is Mr Jeon and today we're going to learn about sti's" as he said that, he was smirking at me.

omg help

"First, is how you get it, does anyone know?"

Nearly the whole class put their hands up.

"Hmm Miss Kim."

I froze

I didn't know what to say.

I didn't want to say it because.. I don't like talking about that stuff

But I also don't want everyone to think I don't know


"They're spread through contact with infected body fluids such as blood, vaginal fluids, or semen."

He pushes his tongue through his cheek.

"Okay good.."

It was halfway through the lesson when he handed out some pictures and words.

"For your task, you need to put the picture under the way you get it, so if there's a picture of an infection, pair it up with what causes it.."

After a few minutes I finish.

"And if you're finished, then put your hand up.."

I sigh and put my hand up, and of course, he comes to me.

He kneels down next to me.

"So Miss Kim~ let me check these"

He looks through them all and looks back at me

"Perfect" he nods

"Anyway, do you like the surprise baby?" He whispers

"I don't know" I shrugged and rested my head in my hands.

His smile soon turned into a straight face.

"Okay, you did good" he stands up and knocks the pencils off my desk.

"Whoopsie.." his hand covered his mouth.

But then he just walked away

Thanks a lot?!

I roll my eyes, got on all 4s and searched for the pencils under my desk.




"OW" I felt someone kick the back of my thigh, lightly, but hard enough for it to hurt.

I look up, and jungkook is walking away from me, then he looks back.

"Prick" I mouth to him.

He shrugged and continued to walk around the classroom.

And 3!

I got up from under my desk and sat down.


"beolsseo time to pick it up, pick it up, woo~"

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