• forty one: part two •

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"Bro, everything's gonna be okay." was what I heard from either Chris or Lala every five minutes since I've been here. Oddly enough, the more they say it, the more I'm not so sure.

It's bad enough that Kelly is in the emergency room in general, but the fact that she's in here because of me just makes it all worse.

"How the hell we ain't hear from any doctors yet? We've been here for a grip!" I replied in an agitated tone.

"I know it feels like time is going by slow, but it's really only been like half an hour. These things take time." Chris replied.

I sighed deeply and buried my face into my hands, fighting the urge to cry. I felt like the stupidest man on earth right about now.

"Hey," Lala said softly, placing her hand on my shoulder, "stop worrying so much. You know Kelly's a fighter so whatever it is, she'll get through it. I'm sure it was just a panic attack from stress."

"But the stress was caused by me. She's in a hospital bed because of me and my anger issues. All this shit we've been arguing over, all this drama, none of it is worth jeopardizing her health. What if something happens to the baby? I swear I'll never be able to live with myself if I killed my own son." I rambled, my voice trembling as my mind continued to race with the worst possible thoughts.

"Don't think like that!" Lala said sternly. "Both of them are going to be fine."

"She'll never forgive me..." I mumbled.

"She will. She loves you. If anything, let this be a lesson learned. Y'all been letting all these non factors get in the way of your marriage when you really shouldn't have. There's so many people who wanna see your relationship fail simply because they're jealous and miserable with their own lives, do you really wanna give them that satisfaction?"

"Hell no."

"Alright then, so stop giving them attention. At the end of the day it's just you and Kelly... not you Kelly and Janay, not you Kelly and Tim, or whoever the fuck else. If y'all keep focusing on irrelevant shit, you're gonna lose sight of what's right in front of you. Are you listening to what I'm saying?"

"I hear you La. I'm gonna fix everything... I just really need her to be okay."

"And she will be." she assured, pulling me into a hug.

"You know this is all your fault right?!" I heard a voice yell all of a sudden. I quickly looked up to see Solange charging at me, with Bey and Michelle right behind her, grabbing her and holding her back.

"Solange. This is not the time nor place." Bey scolded.

"I could kill him." Solange growled.

"Go sit ya ass over there." Bey ordered, pointing towards the other side of the waiting room. After bickering back and forth with Bey for a minute, she finally cooperated and isolated herself.

"What exactly happened?" Bey asked me.

"We were arguing, it got heated, next thing I knew she just passed out."

She looked at me suspiciously, "There's something you're not telling me."

"...It's possible that the reason she got all worked up was because I was yelling at her." I admitted shamefully.

"Trey she is fucking pregnant!" she hissed.

"I think I'm aware of that." I mumbled.

"No, I don't think you are! You keep fucking hurting her so you've obviously forgotten that she is carrying your gotdamn child!"

Finally Yours: The Sequel | Trey Songz & Kelly RowlandWhere stories live. Discover now