• forty seven •

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Monday, December 9

"Well, everything looks good down there Kelly. I'd say you're clear."

I was so happy hearing those words I could do a praise dance in this hospital room right now.

"So, just to confirm..."

She smiled, "Yes, the answer is yes. Hopefully this will be the last time I'll have to clear you for a while. Enjoy your freedom. Be fruitful, but I wouldn't suggest multiplying just yet unless of course you really want to."

"No ma'am. No ma'am." I replied quickly while shaking my head. "Put me back on that BC neeeoooow."

"I thought you'd say that." she laughed. "Not a problem, I'll have the nurse come in and place the implant for you."

"Wait, before you go," I held onto her arm to stop her from standing up, "there's something I've been meaning to talk to you about. I was waiting for the right time to bring it up, which I think would be now."

"Uh oh." She raised her eyebrow, "You want your tubes tied?"

My eyes damn near bulged out of their sockets. "No silly! I actually do want more kids even though I don't make it seem that way."

"Either way I wouldn't have judged. I mean, you did go through a lot with this pregnancy."

"Exactly, which is why I wanna write a book. And I want you to help me."

"Oooh..." She crossed her legs and looked at me attentively, "Tell me more."

"Well I haven't thought that much about it in detail, but the idea first came to mind while I was on bed rest. Basically I wanna share my experience of being pregnant at my age, with both the health and emotional struggles I went through because I know it's people out there who are going through the same thing and might feel lost, hopeless or even depressed about it. Especially if they're balancing a career, marriage and raising another child like me. I just want other women to know they're not alone."

"Kelly this is such a great idea, and very compassionate of you!" she beamed. "I'm guessing you want my help with all the medical jargon?"

"Yes, like the statistics and the science behind the things I wanna talk about." I replied. "So watcha thinking?"

"I'm thinking I would love to be a part of this with you. I'm in!"

I squealed excitedly and jumped up to give her a hug. "Thanks so much Dr. Trish Trish! You da bestest."

"Anything for you, my favorite patient. We'll be in touch."


After spending the rest of the afternoon running errands, I was finally home and ready to end the day right. I walked further into the house to see Kiara sitting at the dining room table doing homework.

"Hello my love." I greeted, giving her a hug.

"Hi mommy. How was your day?"

I smiled at her politeness, "It was great, thanks for asking. How about yours?"

"Boring. School is such a drag. I can't wait to grow up already so I can do whatever I want, just like you."

"Everything is not what it seems, baby. You may think you wanna be an adult now but once you get there you're gonna wish you could go back to simpler times. And for the record, I definitely don't do whatever I want, cause if I did, we'd be on vacation every day of the year." I chuckled, taking her empty dinner plate and putting it in the dishwasher.

Finally Yours: The Sequel | Trey Songz & Kelly RowlandWhere stories live. Discover now