Atlantia Thatch

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Hi all! Sorry for the super late update. I got my youtube back!! Don't ask how it left me cause I don't know but it's back now so that's what I've been doing. I have also been sick and have a lot of school work. So here's your chappie! Oh and my youtube name is Disney Freak just to let you know.

Pre-warning: Later on you will be sarcastically thanking Milo for letting one word slip. And image does not belong to me. Someone made it on DeviantArt.

Ever since the fire, no one has seen Kida which is weird if you ask me. Also, Milo has been having this weird grin on his face all the time, even the guys can't make him stop. Plus he won't tell any of us why he is grinning even when we ask for the four-billionth time. But tonight, we all learnt that the two weird actions were connected. 

It was the night of the sleepover with Melody and Jim. We were all getting in our beds/sleepingbags, ready for a magical bedtime story from Belle when we all hear a shriek of pain from the next dorm over. I was the first to get to my feet and run. I open the door and find Kida, standing and looking at the ground. Any kid would have just said "Your melting" if they were in my situation. But she wasn't melting. Her stomach was enourmous and her water had just broke. Wendy, Melody and Belle were immediatly behind me and all gasped.

"Milo!" We all shriek in sync.

Milo comes bustling in, chuckling nervously.

"Explaining comes later, Milo. Right now, I have to take care of Kida," I say, as I hurry around to make a clean bed for Kida to lay down on.

"Aladdin, Eugene, help Kida to the bed."

"Wendy, get gloves."

"Melody, get me a mask."

"Anyone who would like to help me, stay. Everyone else, leave."

I shout commands to everyone as I bustle around. My old school was a medical school so I can do this. Wendy and Melody stay with me for help. Milo stays to comfort Kida. Belle stays to note everything down (I don't blame her, I had to do the exact same thing she is doing in school). And everyone else leaves the room.

Time skip (cause if I didn't, I would go into too much detail and you all would be gagging)

I wipe the baby in the bathroom whilst the others remove the dirty sheets and replace them with clean ones. It's a girl, same skin colour as her mother and healthy. I bring her out to Kida and Milo. He gently takes the baby from my hands.

"Shit," Milo whispers as he holds the infant in his arms.

"You really want her first word to be that?" I ask.

Milo shuts up after that. Belle brings the others in and they all coo at the cute baby. Most of them also compliment me, to which I shrug at. It's not too hard if you know what your doing. 

"What are you going to call her?" Rapunzel questions Kida.

"Atlantia. Atlantia Thatch," she replies, smiling.

We all raise our brows at Milo. Kida chuckles and raises her right hand. And there, on her ring finger, is a silver ring. 

"For two weeks," Milo says proudly.

The guys gently pat him on the back, complimenting him for 1. Having a kid and 2. Getting engaged in high school. I facepalm and the other girls roll their eyes. Milo's suprises have got to be the dumbest yet. 

After everyone is settled, Mowgli brings Milo's sleeping bag and belongings in Kida's dorm. The rest of us go back to Wendy, Melody and my dorm. As I close the door, someone hugs me from behind.

"You were amazing, Emily. Helping someone give birth is like super hard, even for me," Tadashi says as he holds me tight.

"It doesn't take much to beat you," I add.

A chorus of "Burn" comes from the others. I laugh and Tadashi sighs.

"You know what I mean."

We all hop into our covers and Belle reads a bedtime story (I know babyish, but us high school kids are like that sometimes). We then go to sleep after an exhausting but fun evening.

Two more chapters to go. I cannot believe it! Soon this book will be over but nevertheless, I am making more books and have a lot of ideas for a lot more. So go check them out, follow me, my followers and those I follow. Peace!

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