Dreams (LNT)

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Ugh I woke up and it's 4am and I was having a dream and aaaaah


~Late night thoughts~
Enjoy, I tried to leave out the depressy ones and the extremely crackheady ones :)

My brain is so weird like I randomly wake up in the middle of the night a bunch

Do u ever notice how u can never really remember what a dream is about 97% of the time, but u can remember the feeling? Idk, that happens to me. Like a few nights ago I had a nightmare and I have no clue what it as about or what happened or anything but I still feel so uneasy and terrified and stuff so like Oof. It was like I did remember but my brain didn't wanna tell me.
Or I just remember certain random aspects of the dream. Ugh

Ok but
How would animals wear pants?????????? Like which way would a dog wear pants. Aww imagine a little pigeon with pants on

I wish people wanted to talk to me (and be w me) and I didn't have to start every conversation. That only happens with like two people.

I wish I could talk to my crush (I wish I had more opportunities to too). And I wish I could talk to my other crush as my crush and not as my friend (did that make sense? Whatever)

Seriously would mike wazowskis beard be pubes this is an essential question for the universe I must know

I had a solo dance party a couple days ago, would highly recommend.

I'm a good girlfriend, I think. I put in a lot of effort and stuff. In one of my relationships I used to wake up early just to say good morning. I'm super cheesy and lovey and shit and I just kinda wish I could get that in return. I wish I could have a romantic relationship that's like my relationship with my best friend.

(Yeah, that's it)

lol there's a song on my library that has an actual kazoo part it's great.

Anyways here's a lil PSA: If you're being a bitch to someone, stop. Be careful with your damn words cuz they hurt.

Sometimes I do my bed all pretty and perfect and stuff and then don't wanna sleep in it lmao am I crazy?


Omg I have to take the PSAT and I'm stresseddddddd

Here's the tea: hugs with tall people when you're short are the best cuz they just like envelop you in their arms and u feel safe and loved like all your problems and everything just melt away and u can rest ur head on their chest (bonus if they have boobies) and sometimes they put their heads on yours and ugh that's just the best moment ever I wish it would never end. And this is coming from someone who doesn't really hug ppl a lot

Okay but like can people learn to take hints aaaaaaaaaah

Oh oh oh omg hi crush who may or may not be reading this, please love me :)

Can one of my internet friends turn out to live near me irl that'd be great thanks

Ayo I want a significant other who wants to hook me up

I wanna write. Should I sleep or write? I've already been awake for like half an hour Oof

My eyes hurt I think imma cry

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