Hey loves enjoy this excerpt from a one-shot i wrote instead of NaNo

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Smoke hung so thick in the library's rafters that the two men could read words in it. They stood on opposite sides of the aisle, each leaning against the shelves with books protruding into their spines, but neither minded. The ecstasy of the cigarettes and each other's company masked any mild discomfort the position may have brought.

Frank pulled the wrinkled stick of nicotine from between his black painted lips and twirled it between his tattooed fingers, eyes fixed on the glowing tip. An ember flicked off the end and fell to the patterned carpet beside his sneakers, dying out as soon as it touched the fabric. To be sure, Gerard tapped it out with the tip of his shoe. The sudden invasion of his own little personal bubble startled the other boy out of his smoky trance.

"Sorry," Gerard mumbled, pulling his foot back. Frank looked at him with a blank stare. He stopped twirling the cigarette and let his arm fall.

"No, it's fine." He simpered, cheeks pink, and looked down to where the patted out spark once laid. Gerard, not knowing how to respond, simply took a long drag from his own cigarette, humming around the orange tip as smoke filled his lungs. He was content even as the small stick between his fingers slowly took his life.

Frank didn't return to his previous activity, the cigarette just hanging in his hand by his thigh. The once orange tip had been smudged with black from his dramatic lipstick and now blended in with his jeans, the white of the cigarette like his exposed pale skin where the tight fabric ripped.

Gerard opened his eyes, confused when he wasn't met with a white stick hanging from his boyfriend's lips with smoke from his cigarette tangling with his own in a waltz through the thick air. "You okay, babe?" He asked, a puff of silver grey smoke escaping from between his equally black painted lips.

"Hmm? Yeah, just thinking."

"About?" Gerard enunciated the "t" with a pop and licked his ashy lips, mouth open.

Frank thought for a moment. "You. Me. Us."

Gerard smiled, one side of his lips pulling higher than the other in a lopsided grin. It was contagious and soon Frank was mirroring his image with his own (albeit more level) grin.


(shameless self promo)

I tried to put this on my message board but it was too long ):
So here ya go! (Sorry lol)
Ok thanks byeeeeeee <3 <3

(I'm so behind, help)

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