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You underestimate my levels of boredom

You underestimate my levels of boredom

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1- no

2- saggy terrorist

3- I'm not really scared of things lol

4- Trisdani , music, writing/literature

5- Trisdani

6- War by Icon for Hire

9- purple!

11- to be a crackhead, stalk people, and read fics ig lol

12- idk lol WhAt ArE fEeLiNgS

13- mcr reunion and free concert tickets and merch

14- :))))))))))

16- don't have one

17- can't choose

18- oh boi that's a long list

19- rude/ignorant people, my friends and ppl I care about being sad/hurt, hypochondriacs (bonus! Annoying people lmao)

20- Trisdani MoralObjections music

21- caring, funny, the Way brothers, good music taste, lol idk

22- Trisdani (wow you're popular)

23- Trisdani lmao

24- ehhhhhhhhhhh let's not

25- i???? Don't?????? Know???????

26- does Trisdani count? No? Yes she does. Shut up. If not then Sirius_You_King (ily mom)

27- take a wild guess

28- guys I have to tell you something... I'm gay. (Woah)

29- my dad, unrealistic books/films, kids

30- dogg, cat, Kate

31- I have a god named Luna and shes amazing (dog autocorrected to god and I'm not changing it)

32- "I'm not emo"

33- school

34- hdsbjdgejdnhs too many omg one time I fell down the stairs during a fire drill

36- d e a t h (.........jk haha...)

37- idk lmao

38- pet a lot of cats with my wife

39- ;)
I'm kidding omg

40- I never leave the house.

41- I never eat. (Ok woah that's not true(ish) lol I just don't have a favourite food???)

42- nothing lmao, I played video games and wrote


44- October 31st

45- jfnshshidhak who do u think

46- I already did lmao I won't hurt your eyes again

50- ask me anything lol

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