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I pulled up at the edge of the road and practically sprinted to the junkyard gates. I started to walk quietly and slowly through the yard because if there was any Demogorgons or any other freaky ass creatures about here, I didn't particularly want to get eaten.

I sped up my pace when the school bus came into view, again practically sprinting until I tripped on a stone and just about stopped myself from falling in a heap.

"Motherfucker!" I whisper shouted, gathering myself. I turned to see Lucas, Dustin, Max and Steve all hard at work lifting various pieces of junk and moving them towards the school bus.

"Never become a ninja," Max grinned as she hoisted a car door across the yard, "I could hear you coming a mile away."

"Very funny," I said impassively, helping her with the door. "Also, about earlier-"

"Don't," she pulled a face, "I never want to think about it again."
I started to laugh. Poor kid. "So much for 'just friends.'" She frowned while shuffling the car door along.

"Yeah," I sniffed, changing the subject, "what are you guys doing anyway?"

"Making a fort to fight off the 'demodogs'" she grumbled, nearly dropping the car door to do air quotes.

"I don't even want to know." I sighed.

"Hey dickheads!" Steve called to Dustin and Lucas as he whacked a chair off the roof of the car they were hiding behind, "how come the only two people helping me are this random girl and Evie?" He pointed to us and I waved at the two boys. "We lose daylight in forty minutes, let's go I said!"

"Alright asshole!" Dustin yelled.

"God! Okay asshole!" Lucas said. I chuckled and looked around for more scraps to secure the bus.
I found a few planks of metal and placed them at the side of the bus. They should stop the bus tipping if anything happened.

I moved to help Dustin roll his metal barrel to place inside the bus, along with some wire mesh.

"You know, I kind of missed you Henderson." I nodded, securing the mesh.

"Same, although it would be nice to see eachother besides when the world is ending."

"You said it." I sighed.

"Evie," Steve said walking over and handing me a bucket, "put this meat in a pile while I make trails of lighter fluid to the bus."

I dumped the bloody meat in a pile in the middle of the junkyard so the demodogs wouldn't get too close to us. I walked inside the bus and saw Max place a ladder through the broken window on the roof.

"What's that for?" I asked, nodding to the ladder.

"Lookout." She shrugged.

Lucas made his way up the ladder with another tire to surround the lookout point. Dustin and Steve came into the bus and I shut the door as everyone was inside. Sighing, I looked out through a gap in the metal sheets which served as a second look out. Fog hovered over the ground making the junkyard look as if it were submerged in icy waves.

"So did you really fight one of these things?" Max asked Steve, who was playing with a lighter.

"He had a lot of help." I smirked, remembering how Nancy, Johnathan, Steve and I trapped and lit the Demogorgon on fire.

Steve just glared at me before turning his attention back to Max. He nodded, letting the flame on the lighter burn out.

"And you're one hundred percent sure that it wasn't a bear?" Max asked, causing me to snort.

𝑪𝒍𝒐𝒖𝒅 𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒆 • 𝑩𝒊𝒍𝒍𝒚 𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒈𝒓𝒐𝒗𝒆 [1]Where stories live. Discover now