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Five days later I pulled into the parking lot of Hawkins' high and sat in my car, smoking a cigarette. 'Beat it' by Michael Jackson was playing on my mixtape and it had been three days since the world nearly ended.

On Saturday I had went home to confront my parents and surprisingly they let me stay. My mother even apologized to me, although it would have been nicer if my father had spoken a word to me and been the one to say sorry, but beggars can't be choosers I suppose. As a precaution I gathered some clothes in a bag to keep in my car for the next time they flew off the handle at me. At least now I'll be prepared.

Sighing, I got out of my car and walked towards the school.

"Evie." I stopped in my tracks and turned around. Billy stood in front of me. I hadn't spoken to him or Steve since that night, so this should be good.

"What do you want Billy?" I glared.

"To talk." He said in a deep voice, his eyes practically staring into my soul.

"No." I swallowed.

"What?" He frowned.

"No Billy. You want to hear it in Spanish?"

"Evie-" I cut him off by walking passed him and into the school building. Truthfully I wasn't as mad as I should be. But I wouldn't let him have the satisfaction of knowing, not yet anyway.

The day was a drag. I got in trouble in almost every class for missing assignments and projects, and I even had to eat lunch alone because I wasn't talking to Steve.

When the bell rang signalling the end of the day, I walked quickly out of the school. I saw Billy in my peripheral vision and almost ran to my car. I unlocked it and slammed the door shut just as he reached me.

"Evie come on." His voice was muffled through the glass. I stared straight ahead, ignoring him. "I'm really fucking sorry. I didn't mean for any of this to happen." He said quietly.

I was still ignoring him and he growled in frustration. "Will you just fucking talk to me!" He yelled, making me jump. "Sorry." He sighed, placing his crossed arms on the roof of my car and resting his head on them. "Evie."

I finally gave in and looked at him. His eyes lit up but he still looked so sad.
"You have to believe me when I say that I never wanted any of this shit to happen. I would never hurt you on purpose. Never. If I could take it all back then I would."

Sighing, I carefully opened the car door slowly. Billy moved out of the way as I got out and shut the door.

"Why did you do it?" I asked.

"Do what?" He frowned. I glared at him. Really? "Shit, I didn't mean it like that."

"Then why did you do it."

"My little sister goes missing and my dad loses it, lashes out. So I go to find her. To top it off my girlfriend stands me up. I then eventually find them both in a stranger's house with someone I fucking hate." He had a point.

"Why did you attack Lucas?" I frowned. Billy's eyes fell down to the ground and he sighed.

"He hurt Max."

"Bullshit, they're friends."

"It's not bullshit. They'd get into fights and she'd come home and cry. She wouldn't listen when I said stay away from him. You don't get it. Max never cries Evie. Never." My face softened. He was only trying to protect her but by god he went about it the wrong way.

"Billy I get it okay? But he's just a kid. You can't attack a kid."

"Yeah I regret attacking Sinclair but what else was I supposed to do?"

"Uh, talk to him?"

"Why the fuck would I do that?" He sniffed. It occurred to me that Billy rarely talked about how he felt. I remembered him saying how his dad lashed out at him. All he knew was violence.

"Because if you don't," I began as I stepped closer to him, "your girlfriend gets pissed off at you." He nodded.

"So are we okay?" He mumbled,

"Nearly. But you have to do something first."

"I'm listening."

"Firstly, you ever pull something like this again and I will dump your ass. Secondly, you start treating people with respect or so help me god. And lastly, you apologize to Lucas and Steve because I've forgiven you for what happened to me, but they're a different story."

Billy sighed before smiling "Deal."

I saw Lucas and Dustin talking a few yards away and smirked at Billy. "Now's your chance."

We walked over to the two boys, with me a few steps behind Billy. Lucas was deep in conversation so Dustin spotted him first. He stopped and turned on his heel and speed walked away, causing me to chuckle. Lucas frowned and looked up. His face turned pale as Billy stood in front of him.

"Sinclair." Billy nodded.

"Leave me alone." Lucas stammered, looking like he was ready to bolt.

"Easy kid," I smiled as I stopped by Billy's side and patted him on the shoulder, "Billy here has something to say to you."

Lucas stood with a blank look on his face. "Go on then."

I felt Billy tense beside me before relaxing again. "Look. I'm sorry for attacking you. I'll keep my distance from now on."

Lucas glanced at me before nodding. "Good." He then turned around and walked in the direction that Dustin went.

"See that wasn't so hard." I grinned. Billy looked at me as if I said the sky wasn't blue, making me laugh. "One down, one to go."
We turned around to see Max standing behind us, staring in disbelief.

"You're late." Billy said as he walked past her towards his car.

"Did he just apologize?" Max gawped.

"It's a new thing."

"Where have you been all my life?" She grinned.

𝑪𝒍𝒐𝒖𝒅 𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒆 • 𝑩𝒊𝒍𝒍𝒚 𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒈𝒓𝒐𝒗𝒆 [1]Where stories live. Discover now