Chapter 18: All Good Things Must Come to an End

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Miss Laurie

It has been one of the best Regionals that I have ever been to. I had five championship dancers who qualified for worlds, and a bunch who qualified for nationals.

Today my oldest dancers danced. Many did well but not as well as the younger kids. Now we can finally go home.

As Mark and I enter the waiting area at the airport, I get a call from Brooklyn's mother.

'Ugh. What could this be?' I think. Denise is just always trying to clog up my life with unimportant matters.

I pick up the phone. I start to say "Denise. What do you-" but then someone stops me. "Miss Laurie? Hi its Brooklyn. I have some terrible news."

I clench up. This can only mean one thing: Brooklyn is switching schools.

She starts to speak. "After results, while my mom and I were leaving the hotel, a man stopped us. It was John Carey! He said that he loved my dancing and thought I should come train with his school in Oregen. And, and my mom really wants me to."

I don't speak. I am too shocked. John Carey is famous for training world-class Irish dancers. Brooklyn is one of my best students. She can't leave. But I think that if I were ever offered something like that, I would leave in a heartbeat.

I tell Brooklyn to call me back later. I don't want her to leave, but I don't want her to move a long distance away and than regret it.

Mark and I finally get back. Ryder picks us up from the airport. As soon as he sees us, he runs up to Mark and picks him up, swings him around, and tells him that he is the best dancer ever. He gives me a hug and a kiss, and we all go into the car.

We finally get home. Candace is there and asks us how our trip went. When I see Jackson I pick him up and say "You're Irish dancing, boy."

I'm very tired and I finally get to climb into bed.

I wake up in the middle of the night because I hear someone in the kitchen. There's grunting and I hear the silent hum of the fridge. It's either a burgler or a raccoon.

I slowly get out of bed, careful not to wake Ryder. I feel for some sort of weapon, and grab an umbrella. I walk downstairs and am relieved to find the mysterious being was a raccoon. I decide to wake up Ryder and he leads it out of the house. He heads back to bed. "I'll be there in a sec." I say to him with tired eyes.

I head into the front yard. The air is crisp, cool, the sun is just starting to rise. I see the raccoon crouching in a corner. His eyes are gentle, kind, not what you would expect from a raccoon who just tried to raid your refrigerator.

In a way, the raccoon reminds me of Brooklyn. It has dark hair like her. It doesn't know what direction to go in; it's lost.

I find myself back in bed. It's 9:15. I wonder if the raccoon was just a dream but I realize that the umbrella is still on the floor where I left it last night. I get up and take a shower. I have to pick up my mom and dad, my sister, and Ryder's brother along with their kids at the airport

The house is a mess. I go into Mark's room and wake him up. He's got to help clean too. I open the blinds. His room is dirty to. The sun exaderates the dust and I see cobwebs in the corner. Mark's 12 year old cousin, Bryan will be staying in his room, and in the guest room will be my sister's two daughters and Ryder's brother's daughter.

I have a big decision to make but that can wait, I have to get a turkey.

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