The Beginning of a New Adventure

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A while had passed since I arrived in this world. I still didn't have a clue how I ended up here or how I was gonna get back to my world but, I decided not to think about it since I'll be living in the Crown City. After I met the King and got some new clothes, Ignis insisted that I lived with Noctis and maybe help him get rid of his old habits, like being picky about his vegetables. I was a bit unsure at first but, I decided to go along with it since I owed him big time for saving my life.

Right now, I was in my room changing into my casual outfit which was a black sleeveless jacket, a black tank top, dark grey jeans and combat boots. For the accessories, I'm wearing fingerless black gloves, a (F/c) watch for my left wrist and a black choker necklace and my silver locket. I tightened the belt for my leg pouch on my right leg and I put in my phone and wallet into it and I fixed my ponytail. I added some thin eyeliner and mascara before leaving the room to make some breakfast.

I looked in the fridge and I got some ingredients to make breakfast. I decided to make two omelettes one for me and one of Noctis. After I finished making the omelettes, I heard Noctis getting up and then he came into the room.

"Morning, sleepyhead."

Noctis looked at me surprised and I asked him.

"Is something the matter?"

"Oh nothing, it's a bit weird seeing someone else other than Specs in the kitchen."

Noctis said to me before sitting down at the table.

"Is that a problem?"

"No, not at all."

"Good, because you'll be impressed with my cooking skills because there's one thing that Iggy hasn't got."

"And what's that?"

"A woman's touch."

Noctis chuckled at me when I told him this. I finished making the omelettes and then I served them onto the table. Noctis looked at the omelette and he poked it a little with the knife.

"Relax, it's omelette rice and there are no vegetables in it, I swear to you now."

I said as I took a bite of my omelette. Noctis tried some of it and then he was impressed.

"Whoa, this is good! I'll bet Prompto would have liked some of this."

"I'll bet he would too."

I said as I stood up and went to get some coffee. Noctis turned on the TV and the news came on.

"In today's news, the leader of Nifelheim will be coming to Crown City for the peace talks. If these talks go well, we could be looking at some new allies. In other news, the rumours about Prince Noctis getting married to Lady Lunafrye are true and the wedding will be taking place in the next few days..."

I looked at Noctis and he wasn't too bothered by the news about his engagement but, he was a little concerned about Nifelheim's leader coming to the Crown City.

"You're worried about the peace talks aren't you?" I asked Noctis as he sipped his coffee.

"A little, however, this is my old man we're talking about, he's the King and he will keep this place protected."

'I wish can tell him that something is gonna go wrong but, I can't, he won't believe me and he might think I'm a crazy lady.'

I thought to myself as I picked up our empty dishes. 

"You know, don't have to do that, I can clean up the dishes."

"Hey, I owe you one for saving my life and besides, I like to keep myself busy even if I'm cleaning up after a spoilt prince."

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