Did I really get sent into the world of Final Fantasy XV?

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I woke up the next day, feeling a little tired from playing the Final Fantasy game all night. I looked at the time and I realised it was 8:20 am. 

"Oh no!! I'm gonna be late!!" I shouted as I threw the covers off my bed and I quickly got changed into my school uniform.

Once I got changed, I tied my hair into a ponytail and I fixed my tie and my skirt before grabbing my stuff for school. I ran out of my room and I grabbed a bit of toast from the dining table and then dad said to me.


"Can't stop, I gotta go!"

I dashed out of the house and I ran to school. I managed to get there in time and then I sat down at my desk. I rested my folded arms on my desk and then Sarah came over to me and she said to me.

"Morning, sleepyhead, I can't believe you managed to make in time, I thought for sure you would have slept in."

"No...I managed to wake myself up in time but, playing video games until midnight wasn't such a good idea after all..."

Sarah giggled at me before the bell rang and then class started. 


Loki and I wandered through the streets for a while and then we got to the arcade. We played a zombie shooting game and then Loki said to me.

"Ah! I'm gonna get killed!"

"Not me Amigo!"

I said as I continued to kill the zombies and then Loki's character died. Loki shouted in frustration and I continued to get a high score. Eventually, I ended up getting killed and I sighed in defeat.

"Nevermind, at least I got a high score."

"Don't rub it in, (Y/n)."

"Aw, you're just jealous because I managed to get a high score and you didn't."

Loki shook his head and then we went to a cafe to get something to eat. I took a sip of my cola and then Loki asked me.

"If you don't mind me asking, how did your parents react when they saw your report card?"

"Not too good, they mind me getting a few Bs and Cs but an F in Maths was a different story, honestly, I don't see why they have to make such a big deal over the grades that I managed to get, besides, maths isn't my strong point, I'm more of a creative person than a brainy person, unlike you, Mr-I-got-straight-As."

Loki chuckled and he said to me.

"I got lucky, anyway, don't worry about your parents, besides, who cares what they think?"

I smiled at Loki and I thought to myself.

'Loki has been the only person who understands my situation and he doesn't care about who my parents or if I'm rich or not.'

After a while, Loki walked me home and then he said to me.

"Well, I'm glad we had fun today."

"Yeah, today has been the best, thanks for putting a smile on my face Loki, I really needed someone to cheer me up after last night."

Loki smiled at me and then he gently stroked my cheek.

"If you ever need someone to cheer you up, you know where to find me."


I mumbled before he slowly leans closer to my face. We were inches away from touching each other's lips until..."

Transported To The World Of Final Fantasy XVWhere stories live. Discover now