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"You gotta move on." Cole said.

"I can't Cole, he was my everything. He always cheated on me but, I always took him back." Alice said. Ever since we all woke up, Alice and Cole have been talking about her ex.

"Sweetie, you can't let him get to you. He isn't worth your time. He knows that, every time he does something terrible you'll always forgive him. He has taken advantage of that, trust me. That's how I was with my ex wife." Cole smiles. When he's high, he's very smart.

"Lyric, you want some?" Mrs. Lily hands me a syringe.


I put the syringe in my vain. The toxic drug entered my bloodstream. Shivers went down my spine as the sensations went throughout my body. So many tingles in so many right places.

I smiled, "Thanks."

"Always." Mr.Lily says as she gets her little bag of chips.

I get up, still kinda dizzy. My vision makes me see double. I pull my sleeve down, "Hey, I'm going to the town to walk around. Who wants to come?"

"I do." Mrs. Lily says. I pulled my hoodie up and pulled my hair in front of my face.

I could feel the drug take over me more as we walk. My heart starts to race and my mind begins to brainstorm. I loved the reaction I get out of this drug.

"I want to stop by Dericks." She suddenly says.

"What's Dericks?"

"Oh, it's just my friend. He gives me heroine and stuff." I nod.

"Okay, Where is he?" I say as we finally got out of the woods.

"He's around the corner ov-" Her voice suddenly stop when another voice appears.

"Oh hey! I remember you!" Officer Ethan said. Why is he always around me at the wrong moments?

"You can go." I whisper to Mrs. Lily. "Do you now?" I asked loudly to Ethan.

"Yeah, you was with that other girl. How is she?"

"Good?" I cock my eyebrow.

"That's good! What were you doing in the woods?" He puts his hands on his hips.

"O-Oh nothing. Me and Mrs. Lily just got bored and decided to walk around in there." Why do I always stutter around him?

He nods, "Come here."

"Why Sir?"

"I won't tell you again, little one." He says more demandingly. I follow his orders and come face to face with him.


He smirks, "I'm not dumb babe. You're doing something in those woods and I'll find out soon. I always find out things."

My breath hitches as his minty breath hits my lips. His cologne is intoxicating. I want to wrapped around his arms as I smell his cologne.

"I-I'm not doing a-anything."

"Don't lie. I don't want my kitten hurt." He licks his lips.


"Um, I th-"

"Lyric, come!" Mrs. Lily finally comes back.

"Bye." I say quickly and walk fastly towards Mrs. Lily. "Why was that about?"

I sigh, "I-It's nothing. Did you get the stuff from Dericks?" I really need something right now. Officer Ethan made me feel some type of way and I don't like it.

"Yes. I also got other things?"

"Like?" I say as we started walking to the woods.

"Cocaine, weed, acid, xans, and more heroine." She says while going through the bag that has everything in it.

"Cool." Is all I could say. My mind can't stop thinking about Officer Ethan. Like, why?

"Is everything okay?"

"Yeah," I scratch the back of my neck. "Just thinking about things."

She nods then hands me some pills, "Take these darling, these will make you forget, trust me."

I did what she said and watched for the high to begin. "If this is a date rap drug, ima kill you." I laugh.

Mrs. Lily laughs, "I wouldn't do that. Yet."

"No, there's no 'yet' to this." I poke her cheek.

She rolled her eyes, "Dang it."

We burst out laughing until we find out little camp. Suddenly, I felt so relaxed. Like all my thoughts and nerves went away. My head started spinning and my vision became blurry. This was a better feeling than heroine.

I sit down and take in the feeling of xans.


"Can you braid my hair?" Angie asked me.

I smiled, "Yes, C'mere."

She sits in front of me and I part her hair into threes. As I'm braiding, Alice comes to sit next to me.


"Hey?" I question her.

"How's everything, you know, in your head?" She rubs her neck; awkwardly.

"Good? Why?"

"I'm just asking because I'm worried. Like, you're doing different drugs and a lot of them by the way."

"Don't worry Alice, I'm fine." I smiled. She sighed, "I have a feeling you're lying."

I shake my head, "No. I'm really fine. Just experimenting?"

"Just be careful, yeah?"

"Yeah." I say. "Okay Angie, your hair is done!"

I hear her gasp, "How is it?" Her voice has so much excitement.

"It's beautiful, just like you!" I boop her nose as she giggled. "Thank you!"

"You're welcome!" She runs off as Alice stays in place. I don't get why she's so worried.

"I don't want you to turn to your old self." She sighs.

"My old self?"

"Yeah, the Lyric that did drugs everyday. I don't want you to be like that. If you turn to that again, it would mean that all your hard work would be a waste." She spilt her heart out to me.

"D-Don't worry. I won't be that way, every again." I lie. I known I was going to the old me. I've known since I did that shot of heroine.

"You promise?" She holds her pinky up.

Do I promise? What would happen if I break the promise? Will she leave? I guess, we'll find out.

I held my pinky up and locked it with her's, "I promise."

Little run aways  E.G.DWhere stories live. Discover now