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Beeping noises could be heard so could talking. A deep voice and a high voice. They're both familiar which makes me feel better.

I open my eyes; bright lights blinding me. I look around to see I was at a hospital.

"What?" I whisper to myself.

"She's awake." A deep raspy voice says. I turn my head to the voice to see Officer Ethan and behind him was Alice.

"W-Why am I here?"

He sighs, "I'm going to ask you a question and you have to be honest Lyric." I nod. He continues, "Are you doing any drug?"

I'm scared. I'm scared that he's going to put my jail or take me back to my old home. I can't say 'yes'.


He sighs, "Re-think that."

He's caught on. He saw the needle scar and he knows everything. I'm doomed!


"Because kitten, you had a heroine overdose." Alice looks at me with tears in her eyes. I let her down, I told her it wouldn't be this bad again. She doesn't deserve someone like me as a best friend. I don't deserve anyone; I'm trash.

"O-Oh." Is all I could say. I look down at my fingers, "When can I get out?"

"You can now." The Doctor suddenly shows up. "You have to sign some papers before you leave."

I nod as he handed me the papers. As I sign the papers, Ethan tells Alice to go for a min. When she left, he looked at me and smiled. "Where do you actually live?"

"At a house?"

He shakes his head, "No kitten, just tell me."

I sigh, "I live in the woods with Alice."

He nods, "You can always live with me; Alice too. I don't want you to overdose and actually die, kitten. I can help you!"

I shake my head, "No, I'm living with Alice in the woods. Me and her don't want a house, we want to live someone that is peaceful."

"Doing drugs isn't peaceful, it's hell." I feel like that has a lot of meaning to him. Maybe he's did drugs once and went to the hospital?

"It's still a no." I hand the papers to him as I grab my clothes and change out of the hospital gown.

I walk out of the bathroom and twist the handle of the door and got out of my hospital room. Officer Ethan was following me as he gives me the papers. I hand the papers to the doctor and left with looking back.

I need more; more heroine. I need something in me before I lose it. Suddenly, Alice walks to me and hugs me, "I'm glad you're alive."

"Thanks." I whispered as I let go.

"I got her from here Officer Ethan," she says and shakes his hand. "Thank you for saving my best friend."

"No problem." He smiled. Officer Ethan looks at me and whispers, "I'll come back for you kitten."

He walks away as we do the same. Me and Alice haven't said anything to each other. There's a tension that I don't really like. I can't explain it but, it sucks ass.

"So," I trail off.


I shrugged my shoulders, "I didn't mean for that to happen."

"Do you realize how long you was out? Or that Ethan went looking for me because he was worried about what was happening?"

"What do you mean, I was out?"

"Lyric, you were out for 3 days. You basically almost went into a coma, and or die." She says loudly.

"I-I'm sorry." My voice was soft and quite. I don't have the courage to look into her eyes. She's disappointed in me; I'd be disappointed in me too.

Just all this drama is making my craving for heroine stronger. I don't care what people have to say, I need some. I just won't do as much as I usually do.

"Just," She sniffled her nose. "be careful and not do so much at one time."

I stop and hugged her. Her hugs always made me feel better and make me feel like I was safe. "I w-will."

She nods as we walk to the camp.


Flash back

His giggled was music to my ears. His smile brighten my day. His hair was softer than the teddy bear he gave me. His tan skin reminded me of the sand. His eyes where the color of the ocean. He made my life better. He's just someone that I can't lose.

"Lyric!" Alice, my best friend, yells.


"Pay attention to me." She extended the 'e'.

"Why are you so whiny." I laugh.

"Because I can be." She sticks her tongue at me. I flip her off as we walk into the ice cream shop. This ice cream shop is where I met Alice when we was 5 and where I met Kaden, my boyfriend.

This shop brings memories that gives me butterflies and smiles. I love this shop call 'Joe Joes ice cream.'

Alice gasped. I look at her, "What?"

"Lyric, um, Kaden is here." I look where she's looking. She's right but, he's with the schools slut, Savannah, Savannah Hicks.

My heart stopped as he leaned in to kiss her. My heart broke. I felt my eyes start to burn as tears started to roll down my cheeks. How could he?

I run out of the shop and down the sidewalk. Alice was calling for me but, I didn't stop. I needed to clear my head. My heat kept breaking into small and smaller pieces.

The memory of them kissing kept coming to my head; making more tears come.

Was I not enough?

Was it because I have a past?

Did he just use me?

As I walk with tear stained cheeks and a heart that is torn apart, a man walks up to me. "Are you okay?"

"No." My voice is scratchy.

"Hm, want something to help?"

I knitted my eyebrows together as he hands me something. I look at it and it was some kind of needle.

"What is it?"

"The best shit in town. Here's my number," he hands me a card. "call my if you want more." Then he walks away.

I put it my pocket as I walk home. When I get home, I got upstairs and put the needle on my desk. I just started at it. Debating on doing it or not.

I grab the needle and insert it into my vain; I haven't put the liquid in me yet because I was scared.

I don't even know what the fuck it is but, that didn't stop me. I push the liquid in me and felt a burning sensation. Whatever it was, it was already effecting me. My body felt numb, my vision went blurry, then Kaden incident was pushed to the back of my head. The toxic liquid had its way with me and I didn't mind it.

Then at this moment I knew, I knew that I could trust anyone and that, whatever that liquid stuff was, I was hooked.

End of flashback

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