-6- Bad News

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Luke (Coach Mo) Morrison

He didn't show up to tryouts. I was floored. How could a kid with that much talent and obvious love for the game not show up to his school's tryouts?

I throw my bag into my truck and slam the door.

Youth is wasted on the young, I swear.

I've made my mind up already, sometime between yesterday afternoon when I stood in the gym waiting on edge to see the odd, slightly gangly teen walk through the doors and now, I have to get the kid on my team. I have no other option.

I throw my truck into reverse, arm outstretched over the width of the truck as I look over my shoulder when my phone goes off. I pick it up, straightening the wheel and heading for the park.

"Hey Ruby." I say into the phone. "How'd the follow up go?"

I've been expecting her to call. It might be part of the reason I'm a little on edge and annoyed. She's been having some health issues, nothing massive but enough to cause concern. Ava finally told her she needed to go get looked at and she listened. Thank god.

Stubborn woman.

Ruby let's out a sigh and from that sound alone I know I'm not going to like what follows.

"Luke." I can hear her tears, the pain in her voice and my heart starts to pound hard in my chest. "I have cancer."

It feels like someone's just sucker punched me in the gut.

"What?" It comes out of me with a rush of air as my body deflates. "How?"

My body goes through the motions to get me where I need to be. I know I should have pulled over but if I'm being honest, the thought barely crossed my mind. It's too focused on Ruby, this woman that I care for so deeply, who has weathered so many storms with me. She's the mother of my child and even though we aren't married or together in any intimate way, I love her. And life can't be without her. She's a pillar in our blended family that we've created and I know this news will shake every single one of us.

"Th-the doctors say they caught it early. So they're hopefully." She tells me but it does little to reassure me and it sounds like she feels the same.

"You're not driving are you?" I ask because I can't process this yet.

"Barry is."

"Good." I nod my head. "That's good."

"Luke.." She takes a long breath. All I can do is wait. "I don't want to tell Birdie yet."

I pull the truck into a parking space at the park. My eyes finding Holt instantly. It's easy though, his talent could stand out to a blind man.

"Sure." I agree, though I'm not sure why. We've always been transparent when it comes to Birdie. "I'll come over in a little bit. We can talk. Birdie said she's hanging with the boys for awhile before she comes home. Okay?"

"I don't have anything planned for dinner."

I shake my head, she's just told me she has cancer and she's more worried about feeding us.

"Don't worry about dinner." Holt leaps in the air, stealing the ball from the opposing team mid shot. "I'll pick something up on my way. Barry trust me to order for him?"

She mumbles something, her voice returning to my ear. "He said if you get beef he'd like it well."

"Rare. Got it." I tease.

Ruby chuckles slightly and I release a breath at the sound.

"I'll see you in a bit Ruby."

"Bye Luke."

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