-40- Audi Confessions

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Holt Jacobs

Drew's Audi pulls into the Lincoln's driveway. I've been waiting on the steps for fifteen minutes, my hands are freezing.

He rolls his window down as I walk toward his car.

"Front seats open." He tells me. "Throw your bag in the back."

I don't answer but head for the back of the vehicle to put my gym bag in it. His sister is in the backseat, ear buds in her ears as she stares out the window. Her hair is an array of colors, all of them unnatural.

I close the hatch of his car and climb into the passenger seat.

"Hey." Drew says once I shut the door and all I can manage is a nod, acknowledging I heard him. "My grandparent's house is on the way. We should get to the game around the same time the bus does." He mumbles "hopefully" to himself.

I nod again, jamming my hands under my legs because I'm not sure what to do with them. As Drew starts to back out of the driveway a voice sounds from behind.

"Who are you?" His sister asks.

If it was me I'd choose to ignore the snap in her voice, answering her question without hesitation but Drew doesn't give me a chance.

"Don't be rude Julia." He scolds her.

I swallow hard, telling myself she's just a kid. How have I lost my grip on things so badly that a kid makes my mind distort the present?

"Holt." I say my name but it comes out all timid and weird sounding.

"I told you we were picking someone up from the team." Drew continues.

"Is he new or something?" She asks.

"Yeah." Drew answers her and I hate to admit it but I'm glad that he's taking over the conversation. "Text grandma, let her know we're on our way."

I see him shake his head out of the corner of my eye, mumbling an apology. I'm not sure what he's apologizing for.

My hearts slamming around in my chest and I'm starting to think this is an awful idea. But I can't imagine riding the bus with Ian would have been an improvement.

"Can we stop and get food?" Drew's sister asks.

"We don't have time." He answers.

"But I'm hungry." She whines.

"Grandma will have food, you can eat there."

His sister complains back but Drew stops responding and we ride the rest of the way to their grandparents house in awkward silence.

Drew pulls down a road that is lined with estates, houses so large I'd lean towards castles before anything else. I don't mean to gawk but I'm a little overwhelmed at what lays before me. For a minute there's nothing else but this moment.

"I'll pick you up Sunday around two alright?" Drew tells his sister.

"Mom and dad won't be home?"

I know better than to listen in but I can't exactly excuse myself so I sit as still as I can hoping to disappear into the leather seats of Drew's car.

Drew sighs, pulling into a driveway. "No they had to stay an extra couple days."

"So when will they be back?"

He runs his hand through his hair and I can feel the anguish pouring off of him.

"They didn't give me a day." He tells her and even though he's trying to hide his disappointment I can still hear it.

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