-23- Opposites

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Luke "Coach Mo" Morrison

Holt goes streaking down the court, shoes squeaking, ball twanging, people shouting. He passes the ball to Ryan, who passes the ball to Ian.

I've purposefully put Holt and Ian on the same team. There's tension there. And I don't need that crap during the game. They need to figure out how to work as a team and fast, our first game is quickly approaching.

Holt finds an open pocket and I watch Ian look straight at him before he opts to take a shot from the three point line. Not only is that a risky shot but it's a difficult one from the position that Ian's at, almost flush the with net.

The ball rides the rim before tipping out and Drew's right underneath to steal it. He goes sprinting down the court, passing the ball to Ty as they past half court. I blow the whistle, my frustration growing.

"What are you doing!?" I yell at Ian. "When your guy is open, you pass the damn ball!"

"I almost made it." Ian defends.

Drew laughs dryly. As captain, he's just as annoyed with Ian's behavior as I am.

"Almost doesn't mean crap in a game! If you can't guarantee the shot and you have an open guy, you pass!" Ian finally drops his head as I shout at him. I know that he knows he's being a pain in my ass. Over what? His own pride. But this is a team. I don't care about his pride. "Do you understand!?"

"Yes sir." He mutters.

It only adds to my frustration. "I SAID DO YOU UNDERSTAND!?"

His head whips up, an obstinate look on his face as he barks back. "YES SIR!"

Out of the corner of my eye I see Holt jump. Not a subtle startle at the sudden noise of our voices escalating. The poor kid nearly jumps into the rafters, shaking like a leaf once he lands.

"Captain's got the ball, now play!" I command, blowing the whistle.

I'm pleased to see everyone start into motion, Ian a touch slower than the rest just to grate my nerves and Holt just a little more frantically than needed.

They're complete opposites.

Both challenging in their own way.

I can't figure out who Holt is. I know what his file says at school and Rhett has filled me on some other things. But a kid's got to be more than what a bunch of stiff judges and social workers think of him. Besides I've already decided some of the stuff doesn't add up.

And Ian, he's just bull headed, opinionated and hot tempered. Probably going to end up being some successful dick of a CEO that no one can stand but got to where he is because as it turns out he's actually good at his job.

And I have to figure out how to get Ian to work with Holt and get Holt not to crumble at the first sign of confrontation. It's like the kid doesn't have a back bone.

Ryan takes control of the ball, smacking it out of Drew's hands as he tries to slip through to the net. Everyone goes running down the court, Ryan takes a shot and misses, Ian rebounding it. He gets blocked, too far under the net to make a shot as he surveys around, pivoting on his planted foot.

He's got all my attention, his teammates moving around, trying to open up for him. He finally has to pass back to Ryan, who fakes left to free up a pass to Holt. Holt catches the ball mid air and sinks it through the net. I clap my hands, a couple guys giving Holt some positive words.

"See what happens when you pass Ian?" I yell.

He pretends to ignore me but I can tell he heard me. He's irritated but at least he's listening and that alone feels like a victory.


I hold Drew back while the rest of the guys stretch at the end of practice.

"What's up Coach?" Drew asked.

"Good playing out there. This is your best season yet." I tell him. "Now if only you could put some effort into actual school."

He laughs, amused. "Hey I'm doing better than last year. Got some help from friends."

I shake my head at the tone in which he says it. By friends he means girls and I can assume they're helping with more than his grades.

"Be decent." I scold him.

He finds its funny but I worry slightly about Drew. His lack of parental guidance. The only thing he has going for him is the fact that everyone seems to know who Drew is, how he is, and he doesn't seem to deny it.

"Did you ask me to come over here just to tell me that?" He asks.

"No. No I asked you over here to see if you'd do me a favor?" He nods his head. "Keep an eye on Holt."

"Yes sir." Both our gazes land on Holt. "He's...different, huh?"

Drew's one word description of Holt has me studying Drew as he stands beside me. He's right Holt is different. But it's the lack of judgement in Drew's tone that makes me realize he's exactly the right guy to befriend Holt.

"I think he could use a friend. As captain you should set an example for the rest of the team." I say.

He chuckles, slapping me on the back. "Not that subtle Coach but I got it."

He doesn't wait for me to dismiss him, instead he walks over and joins the group.

Now if only I could get Ian to be so compliant.


Those coming from Owen, what do you think about this view of Drew? Dislike him less? Still hate him?

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