Part 9

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“So what happened?” I asked furiously, two days later. My illness had turned out to be an extreme case of the flu; I’d been given a potion which stopped the symptoms but was told that I needed to sleep it off to get rid of it completely and lost almost three whole days because of it. I was livid that I’d missed the first Quidditch match of the season and Gryffindor’s first win. “Tell me exactly what happened!”

“Well, it’s all a bit of a blur really” Harry told me, sitting cross legged beside the fire. All the seats were occupied by myself, Fred and George, who were sitting on the sofa; I had my legs across their laps and a blanket wrapped around me for extra warmth. Hermione, who was sitting on one of the squashy arm chairs and Ron who was sitting on the other. “All I really remember was my broom acting funny and then almost swallowing the snitch.”

“Your broom acted funny?” I asked, frowning “what happened?”

“Well, S-” Ron, who was sat beside him, thumped him hard “someone” Harry faltered “was cursing my broom; it was bucking, trying to dislodge me, but then it stopped and we won!” He grinned.

“Did you find out who was cursing your broom?”

Harry shook his head but exchanged looks with Ron and Hermione “Dumbledore’s probably onto it though.”

I watched them closely for a moment before narrowing my eyes at them and asking “ok, what aren’t you three telling me?”

“Uh…” Harry grimaced

“Uhm” Ron’s ears had gone red.

“Hagrid let slip something about what he thinks Fluffy might be guarding” Hermione said quickly “we didn’t want to mention anything in front of Fred and George but-”

“Who’s Fluffy?” George asked, interrupting her.

“He’s Hagrid’s giant three headed dog” I told him.

“Ah” Fred looked rather entertained.

“Good old Hagrid.” George smiled before slipping out from under my legs and saying “anyway, we need to go and talk to Lee about…something; c’mon Fred.”

“Yeah, you guys can have your private chat; carry on” he winked also sliding out from beneath me, giving me the entire sofa to myself.

I waited until they’d disappeared before turning back to Hermione and asking “so what do you think Fluffy is guarding?”

Hagrid” she corrected “mentioned something about a Philosopher’s stone and someone called Nicholas Flamel”

“I’m sure that I’ve heard that name before” Harry grimaced “I just can’t think where and it’s really bugging me!”

I stared at them as they discussed how to go about searching for Flamel but still felt the odd sense that they were keeping something from me. I didn’t pursue it, however, if they want to tell me then they will and if they don’t then it’s obviously nothing that important.

Lilliana Snape Book One (re-written)Where stories live. Discover now