Part 11

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The Christmas holidays finally arrived and with it came flurries of snow and wind so cold it felt like ice against the skin. It was all good fun though, Hermione left to spend Christmas with her parents but Harry and the Weasleys stayed and we all spent a good amount of time outside in the snow. Fred and George found a hobby in charming snowballs so that they followed Quirrell around, bouncing off the back of his turban.

Hermione, even though she wasn’t here, had left Harry and Ron a task to find out who Flamel is and what his connection is to the stone; they didn’t know that I already knew what his connection was but I’d made a promise to dad and so I kept quiet about it, honouring my promise, but that didn’t mean that I couldn’t pretend to help them as they scanned book after book in the library, not knowing that they’d never find anything; it was in the Library that dad found me pouring over a book about 20th century witches and wizards.

“What are you doing?” He scowled, picking up my book and scanning it.

“Looking for something” I replied, aware that Ron and Harry were watching us.

“Hmm” he frowned “well, I’m sorry to say that I need you to come with me”


Dad stared at me for a moment, his black eyes boring into mine. “I have someone I’d like you to meet.” He finally told me.

My heart jolted; had he done what I’d asked? “Did you get-” I stopped, remembering Harry and Ron and the fact that I hadn’t told them about my mother which would mean that they would find out that, not only am I the daughter of Harry’s enemy, but I’m also the half-sibling of Draco Malfoy…Harry’s arch nemesis and all round grade A twat. They’ve graciously accepted the fact that I am, indeed, related to our dearly beloved potions master but finding out that I’m also half Malfoy may be taking it a bit too far. I bit my lip, my eyes darting between my friends and my dad “uh…what…hello” I giggled nervously before I grabbed hold of dad’s arm and pulling him out of the library.

“What was that?” He asked, frowning, when I finally let him go.

I sighed “dad, I haven’t told them about anything; I don’t think that they’d like me so much if they found out this recent piece of information.”

He stopped dead and grabbed me. The look on his face made me think that he was going to yell at me for some reason but he just pulled me to one side and squatted so that his eyes were level with mine. “I know that I’m not your ‘go to guy’ for advice, Lilliana, but let me just get one thing clear, ok?” I nodded, suddenly afraid of what he was going to say. “You cannot choose your family, you are born to people and that is not your choice, you can’t help who your family are. Friends, so I’ve heard, are your chosen family; people that you like enough to share your company, your feelings and your secrets with. You accept your friends for who they are despite who their family are, despite their flaws; so if your friends decide that they don’t like you just because of who you are related to then they’re not worth wasting your time on because there is absolutely nothing wrong with you; you are a beautiful, smart and very unique young lady and you deserve people who see that. Do you understand?”

I nodded profusely feeling somewhat shocked but completely awed by his speech.

Lilliana Snape Book One (re-written)Where stories live. Discover now