Part 17

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I knew that I couldn’t go on like this; the fact that I knew the truth about everything and my friends didn’t was creating a barrier between us. Harry genuinely believed that my dad was working for Voldemort and he didn’t bother hiding his thoughts about it either; I know that dad’s a hero, that he’s trying to prevent Quirrell from claiming the stone so what Harry thinks shouldn’t matter to me but it does…he’s so adamant that dad is this evil dark wizard that he won’t even try to look at different possibilities and he’s going to go after Quirrell, not knowing that it’s almost suicide.

Harry Potter’s arrogance and short sightedness really annoys me and, to keep myself from blowing up at him, I avoided him as much as I could, getting all of my Intel from Hermione.

“We found out that Hagrid accidentally told the guy, who sold him the dragon’s egg, how to get past Fluffy; he’s now adamant that the seller’s your dad and that, now he knows how to get past fluffy, we don’t have long till we go down the trapdoor.”

“When’s he thinking of going?” I asked

“He’s going to talk to Dumbledore today then, I guess, he’ll try and figure out what to do next.” She looked at me sadly for a moment before saying “your dad hasn’t said anything to you about anything…has he?”

I glowered at her “what, you think he’s told me that he’s after the stone and promised to share it with me if I kept it to myself?”

She shook her head “no, Harry seems incapable of considering different possibilities but I’m not. Your dad certainly looks guilty but I’m sure there’s a simple enough explanation for everything.”

Hermione didn’t even look as though she believed a word she’d just said and so I knew that she was only saying it to try and make me feel better. I considered telling her the truth but I kinda wanted to gloat when they find out the hard way. “Don’t worry about me, Hermione; I trust my dad and I know that he’d never do what you guys think he’s doing.”

“Ok” she nodded as Harry and Ron came in through the portrait hole. I automatically got up and was just about to go and find somewhere else to sit when Harry stopped me.

“Lil,” he put a hand on my arm “come on, you can’t just ignore me.”

“You still think that my dad is an evil wizard doing Voldemort’s bidding?” I asked, crossing my arms and raising my eyebrows at him.

He hesitated for a moment before saying “well yes, but…”

“Then yes I can” I shook him off me and left the common room.

I walked the corridors alone for a while, just riding the staircases and seeing where they took me until I ended up back on the seventh floor and blindly walked into Fred and was knocked right off my feet. A hand caught me before I hit the ground. “Watch it, Snape” he chuckled, pulling me upright again “I’ve been looking for you. What have you been doing?”

“Walking” I shrugged “punching walls, yelling at suits of armour…you know, the usual.”

Lilliana Snape Book One (re-written)Where stories live. Discover now