The child

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It had been five years since Eva, Zac, Taylor and I had crashed in an escape pod outside a mansion. A lot had happened since then. I can't really say all of it because it will take forever. But perhaps the best thing, was that Eva and I had a child. This little girl changed our lives. Not only being the cutest little child in the world (literally) but the fact that she was part of the last 20. That scares me the most. That means that the aliens will hunt her as well. I will do anything to protect Eva and my child, and nothing could change that. "Daddy!". "Hello Lucy! Where's your mummy?". "She's inside". "Thanks!" I say and pull her into a hug. She is so cute! "Daddy! You're squashing me!" She says gasping for air. "Oh...haha...I'm sorry" we just go into a laughing fit. Eva comes out of the house and smiles at us. "May I join in?" She asks. "Sure!" Lucy and I say. We end up playing in the garden until sundown, when Lucy has to go to bed. I sit on the grass and survey the area. It's quite a nice place here. It's just confusing how we survived. Mia and Mike had come to live with us again because they said it was too dangerous to look for Thomas. And somehow we found out, that Mia could make food appear. Actually, we worked out that it was a duplicating based power. Which meant that we could only have the foods that were in the trolley that we brought from the supermarket. Zac and Taylor had finally dialled themselves down a bit. When Lucy came into the world, they decided to be more appropriate around the house. Eva was very pleased with that. I had gotten married to Eva. Well, we found a book about weddings and read out stuff from the book. I had got us rings and we had made our own vows. It was great. There were flowers and lots of food. Ok, maybe it was mostly the food that I liked out of those two. The best thing was knowing that I would be able to spend the rest of my life with Eva. She had also been through amnesia when she was seven. That's why we knew each other so well. We could relate to each other in a way that not many others could. As for finding the rest of the last 20. We don't even know if any of them are still alive. I want to stop this apocalypse, but I don't know how to. It bugs me heaps. Lately I had been calming down a bit. There hadn't been an alien attack for ages. And I was finally starting to realise, that I didn't have to be so uptight all the time. I sensed Eva come up behind me and I turned around. Only to be slammed on the ground and jumped upon. "Ouch, who taught you that?" I asked cringing in pain. "Oh just a certain girl from a book I have been reading". "Is it about wrestling?". "Nope, it's about a guy and a girl that haven't seen each other for like 12 months". "I can't be away from you for three days, let alone 12 months". "I know". We just lay there enjoying the peace of the moment. As the sun set on the horizon, Eva fell asleep on my chest. Her peaceful breathing soothed me. After a while I was feeling a bit sleepy to so I picked her up and carried her upstairs. As soon as I hit the bed I fell asleep. I wonder what made me feel so sleepy. I'm getting enough sleep and usually I just sit around doing nothing all day. Oh, maybe it's e fact that I was running around and playing with my Daughter (wow, what a great thing to say) for like two hours. It's funny how playing with a child uses more energy than fighting an entire army of aliens who want to rip you apart. What a great thought. And with that I fell asleep.

I know it's short, but I wanted to put up the story soon. And to those who know me. Lucy is my favourite girls name. The characters aren't meant to be real people, they are just fictional. So don't kill me for naming the child that. Please? Anyways...thx for reading my story. I really appreciate it. And as always I must end my chapter with

#YOLO- Jaxinaction

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