The teleportation device

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The helicopter shook and the pilot began to yell. "WE'VE BEEN HIT!". The sound of bullets pinging off strong metal sounded as someone tried to shoot us down. The pilot began taking evasive action. The pilot started screaming and wet thunks sounded as bullets hit him everywhere. He coughed up blood onto the windscreen and he finally died with a last cough. Josh's eyes went wide and I swear he was going to cry. He calmed down a bit and grabbed a couple of parachutes. "According to the gps, we are about 2 kilometres away from the device. Prepare for the most action packed three minutes of your life" Josh said and threw me a parachute. Planes were coming at us from all directions. "In case you hadn't noticed, you don't take fall damage in this game. The parachutes are for slowing down to jump on planes and stuff". "Wait...WHAT?!" I yell. He jumps out of the plane and lands on a plane below. I follow him and grab a couple of Glock 18s. The helicopter drops out of the sky above me and smashes into another plane. I jump onto the windscreen of a plane and shatter the glass. The alien inside is thrown out and I shoot the controls of the plane. Josh jumps into the plane and takes out everyone of the aliens. I throw a grenade in and pull josh out. We use the blast of the explosion to propel onto another plane. I shoot the pilot and throw a grenade in. BOOM! The plane goes up in flames. Josh is kicking and punching his way into a bigger plane. I jump in next to him and backflip over an alien. My legs grab its head and rip it clean off. Josh shoots the controls of he plane with his plasma rifle and the pilot gets electrocuted. We jump out just in time and he plane explodes. I hit the ground and roll. All around me, planes are falling out of the sky and exploding. Buildings around me crumple and if I don't move, I'm going to be crushed. I sprint out of the way as a building falls over and crushes the spot where I was. Josh lands beside me and nods. We run down the street as buildings collapse and tons of cement rain down on us. Aliens come out of alleyways and start to shoot at us. I fire back with deadly accuracy, not letting anything stop me. We arrive at the building in time to see a huge flash of light. "Someone just entered the game through the exit, that's not meant to happen" Josh says, looking confused. I run into the building and use my telepathic waves to make aliens fly every which way. Josh grabs my arm and says "I'm glad I got to meet you! I guess this is goodbye!". "I look into his eyes and try to determine what he is feeling. He is not easy to read. He looks beyond me and goes wide eyed. "That is the teleportation device that can teleport two people! It only comes once every year!". His eyes are filled with hope as he stares at the device. We hear a scream and the sound of alien gun fire. I run around the corner and see a dead body with tons of holes in it. Swarms of aliens charge at us as they spot us. Josh and I vault into the device and start the warmup process. We only have a couple of minutes left. Josh begins fighting with reborn determination. I join in, glad that I can help him. The bullets fly out of my pistols and punch holes through the soft alien flesh. Josh kicks heads off and decaps random body parts as I shoot the aliens that are close to the device. The device begins beeping loudly. Josh tackles me inside just as the door closes and my body disappears in front of me.

I wake to the sound of someone crying. It's pitch black dark, so I can't see a thing. I crawl to a wall and feel for a door. I turn the knob of a door and squint in the bright light. Josh stumbles out after me. In the middle of the hallway, is a beautiful girl. She has long brown hair with blue eyes. She's mumbling something that I can't hear, but I feel that it is important. I feel a connection to this girl, it just feels right to be near here. She looks up and the biggest smile I have ever seen appears on her face. One equally big appears on my own face as I run to my wife. We close the distance between us and Eva jumps into my arms. I catch her and I meet her lips. They remind me of every good thing that I have ever done and more. The discontentment that U have felt for ages has finally been filled. Here with the person that I love most in the world, I feel the best I have ever felt. I love her so much. We continue kissing until Zac comes down the hallway, balling his eyes out. He is smashing everything he can get his hands out and yelling. "Zac!" I call to him. He looks up and sees me. We embrace tightly and he explains what had happened. I introduce Josh, who is looking at the house with wonder to Zac and Eva. Zac takes Josh downstairs and tells everyone of my arrival. Mike jumps the stairs and hugs me tightly, Lucy runs up to me and jumps onto me, Taylor and Mia hug me as tears fall down their faces and Lloyd high-fives and tells me he had missed me. We eventually calm down a bit and Eva tells me that no-one had seen me for 2 months. "What?! Two months?!" I ask, shocked about how fast Time flowed. A lot had happened Charlotte had said her first word, Mia and Lloyd had started dating, a huge attack on the house had almost killed everyone and Peter had been found out to be mute. The last one confused me. Thinking about it made me angry, why did everything have to go wrong for me? Lloyd and Mia were kissing when I came back to reality. I was happy for them, Mia is a great person and Lloyd is a great guy. They are perfect for each other. A began thinking about the apocalypse and all it had brought. One thing was for sure, this was going to be the last year of the apocalypse. I didn't know where that thought came from until later. A small crystal was in my jeans. Josh had explained about it to me within five minutes, but I felt it had more to it than it appeared. For the first time, I realised that Jeremy, Finn and Ruby were not here. When I asked, Mia said that they were all sick and sleeping in bed. Except Jeremy, he wasn't sick, he was just outside swimming. He came inside and high-fived me. Lucy came in and frowned at him. "You're so casual" she said. "What's wrong with casual?". "Nothing, it's just I admire that you can be so relaxed all the time". I watched their little conversation with curiosity. They were smart kids, that was for sure. What five year old do you know that can have a conversation about admiring someone being relaxed? I missed Christmas. That's a shame. As if reading my mind, Eva walks in with a present. She hands me the present and kisses me. "I love you" she says and looks at me expectantly. "Let's open it in our room" I say and walk out. When we get to our room I sit on the bed and unwrap the present. There is a box with a fragile warning underneath the paper. I open the box and see a photo frame. In the frame is a photo of Eva and I at a carnival. "That was our first date!" I say, remembering the great day. "Yep! Also the same day that I kissed you for the first time" Eva says. I put the frame on the bedside and adjust it to look nice. I lie down on the bed and close my eyes. I feel Eva's weight on top of me and open my eyes. I see her face and her beautiful eyes. Her hair falls on my face and she brushes it away. The kiss that follows blows away everything else. It's just me and her. Leo and Eva

Yay! He came back! Peter being mute is important so don't judge me! case you hadn't noticed, Josh is meant to be The Matrix. That coat is so cool though, I want one! I need a name for Lloyd and Mia, like a name to represent both of them. Llia? Moyd? I don't know. Thx for reading...
#YOLO- Jaxinaction

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