The shadow world

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I ran to the wall. It was splattered with blood from Thomas. I stood back and stared at the wall. The streaks of blood formed one word. Collision. My eyes go wide and my heartbeat increases. The shadows around me swirl and form human bodies. "Come with us" a dark and distorted voice echoes around me. The shadow men reach out to me and walk slowly. I run for the door and slam myself against it. The shadows surge upwards and block the door. The shadow men begin to touch me and pull me away from the door. I try to punch one and my hand goes straight through. I hear evil laughing and a swirl of colour throws itself at me. That's the last thing I see before I black out.
I'm falling. At least that's what it feels like. I realise that I'm trapped in a suit that doesn't allow me to move. I hit the ground and my limbs are free from their imprisonment. I feel no pain as I get up and check myself down. I am in a worn out city with rusty buildings and smashed cars. From the far right, a limping man was making his way towards me. "Beware the hunters!" The man cried. I looked down at myself. I had two AK-47s and a sniper rifle strapped to my back. On my face was a visor that covered one eye. On the left side of the visor was a list of functions. Heat sensor, heartbeat sensor, reload weapons, power suit activate and zoom. I thought about how to move the selector on the visor and it started to move. I activated the power suit. My body was instantly energised. I felt like I could leap over a building. I ran at a building and leaped. WHACK! I hit the building and kept running. Windows shot past me as I ran up the building and onto the top. My suit glowed blue and I jumped. Upon decent, I angled my body so that I was plummeting headfirst. I went straight through the roof of the building and floors of dust and rotted away wood shot past me as I buried deeper into the building. An explosion sounded in the background. On my wrists were a couple of watch like things. On the watch was a holographic keyboard that showed up when I wanted it to. I typed the word "gun" into it and it came up with a list of guns. I chose a weapon that I hadn't heard of before and a huge plasma gun appeared in my hands. The reload button on my visor flashed and I selected it. A weapon ammo count appeared on my visor. I jumped sideways off a printer and out of the building. A large plane was hovering outside the building. It started to fire bullets at me and I dodged them easily. Missiles shot past me as the buildings around me started to collapse. the gun! I pulled the trigger and green balls of energy shot into the plane. Fire started to shoot off the plane and I could hear shouts from inside a hanger. My aerial assault was about to end. Gravity pulled at me and sent me flying down to the ground. I had no way to stop. My visor was beeping violently and hurting my eyes. Panic overwhelmed me as my plummeting gained speed. An explosion blew up the building next to me and a small helicopter blasted its way through the rubble. It rushed past me and I grabbed hold of it. I swung myself upwards into the hanger and prepared for a fight. "Easy! Easy" a guy who looked my age said. He had a strong jaw and hardset eyes. His cape billowed in the wind as he stood easily in the fast moving helicopter. His sunglasses did not betray where he was looking a what he was doing. Over his shoulder was a large plasma rifle much like mine and on his belt hung a belt with two glock 18s. "The names Josh" he said and extended his hand. I shook it firmly and my expression said that I was looking for answers. "I'm a hacker that found his way into a virtual reality with a couple of my friends. Turns out, aliens polite this city. There is a teleportation device somewhere in the middle of the city, but it is well guarded. I don't know how long I have been here, but I can tell it has been a very long time". I gestured to the visor on my face. "It displays your stats, this is like a video game. But one thing separates it. You can't respawn. Once you die, you die". He looks past me and draws a gun. "PILOT! TAKE EVASIVE ACTION NOW!" He yells into the cockpit. I duck and he fires plasma energy into something behind me. The pilot begins to swerve. I turn my head and see a large plane flying next to us. A figure in cloaks is pointing at us and yelling something. That's when I get a really bad idea. I jump out of the helicopter and into the plane. The figure flies backwards as I tackle him to the ground. His cloak falls off his body and his face is revealed. A fist collides with my face and red clouds my vision. I taste blood and my visor's health display drops dramatically. "How could you?" I mutter as I fall out of the plane and begin the long fall to the unforgiving ground.
I woke up in a white room strapped to a chair. I struggled against my bonds and cut my wrists in the process. The blood flowed freely down onto he backs of my hands. My mind went into overdrive as I thought of escape plans, questions and how long I had been there. Singling out one thought, I devised an escape plan. I sent a telepathic wave into the ground in front of me. I went flying backwards into the wall and the chair broke. My bonds came loose in the process so I calculated it correctly. There didn't appear to be a visible door in the room. That confused me. I took a chair leg and started bash random stuff. The clunk of metal being hit echoed through the room as I hit the door. My power suit was still on my body, but my visor was gone. I sent a telepathic wave into my suit and it hummed to life. My fist collided with the door and went straight through. The door caved inwards as my fist repetitively hit it and eventually the door came free. A large control room with lots of aliens in it appeared before me. A huge window showed a view of the city. Josh's helicopter was heading for the window, guns blazing. Aliens started to scream and panic as I ran at them. My weapons appeared on me and my visor strapped itself to my face. I vaulted upwards and ran on the ceiling. Aliens started to fire their weapons at me and I was only missing them by a hair. The bullets from the helicopter shattered the glass of the huge window. I dropped to the ground and sprinted for the window. I was just about to jump when I saw a shimmering before me. Thomas. He was the cloaked figure. I have to get out of here. The wind rushed past me as I jumped for the safety of the helicopter. Josh extended his hand, ready to catch me and end my jump. I could hear Thomas shouting orders at someone in the background and aliens chittering in panic. Josh pulled me up into the helicopter and we buckled into the seats. Josh hit a button and the doors closed on both sides of the helicopter. "Well that was fun" I say, gasping for air. "Fun?! You fell out of a plane that was hovering the height of a skyscraper, got punched in the face by aliens and found out that someone you know is the leader of the aliens that took your parents and everyone else on earth. Is that fun?" Josh asks. "Ok, I see your point" I say. "We need to find that teleportation device, I need to get home" I say. "Only the person who finds it gets to go home. Two people can't teleport at the same time" Josh says. "Ok? Why don't you teleport after me?". "Because, every twelve minutes, the location of the device changes. It takes six and a half minutes to do e full teleportation procedures. You need to get home, so you should go first. I am more than capable of taking care of myself". I begin to protest but stop, there is something he is not telling me. As if reading my mind, he looks at me and says "even if I did go back, there wouldn't be a life to go back to. My friends and family would all be dead, my wealth gone". "Oh, I'm here to help you, I want to do anything I can" I say with caution. "I want you to go home so that I can know that I did something good for someone" he says and looks away, not wanting to continue the conversation. The pilot called in from the cockpit and told us that the device's location had been locked on. Josh was silent for the whole trip to the location. We had five and a half minutes to get in, start up the device and protect it while it was teleporting me. This was going to be a big fight, and I was down to half health already.

Hey guys! Are you enjoying the story? I hope you are...I promise that I won't kill anyone yet! Except Thomas, I'll never get tired of getting rid of him. I don't like him. Anyways, please check out my friend @VortexRed. He has a really cool book called Overwatch that he is starting up. I'm excited for it, it's about a group of elite assassins. Anyways, thx for reading, if anyone even reads, my story. I'm inking about changing the thing that I say at the end of each authors note to "and remember! Keep calm and listen to Monstercat" or something cool like that...never minds...
#YOLO - Jaxinaction

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