A new guy and big news

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I woke up on the floor dressed in a Mickey Mouse costume and great texta facial hair. "Seriously Zac? We're 22 years old and you're still pranking me?" I mutter to myself. I hear Eva stir. Oh no. What have they done to her? I stand up and look at her. She looks relatively normal. I'm so scared. Turns out it wasn't Eva who had moved. Taylor and Zac were sleeping on the ground on the other side of the bed. "What?!" I yell. Zac jumps up blinking furiously. "WHAT HAPPENED?! IS SOMEBODY HURT!? WHERE IS TAY-" and with that he falls over. I'm just laughing my head off at him. Eva wakes up and stares at me. I hear a knock at the door and walk over to it. The door opens and Mike and Mia are standing on the outside laughing like I was dressed in a Mickey Mouse costume and they had done. Wait, I was dressed in a Mickey Mouse costume. And by the looks of things, they did it. "You should have seen your face!" Mia said in between trying not to fall over. "We got it all filmed!" Mike said, reaching behind me and pulling a camera from the door. I pulled the stuff off me and chased him down the corridor. Mia threw a roast chicken at me and I face planted. Everyone was laughing now. Lucy came out and ran up to me. "Daddy? Why are you dressed like a mouse?". "I actually have no idea, as them" I replied, pointing at Mike and Mia. Lucy put her hands on her hips and looked up at Mike and Mia. I saw terror flash over their faces. "Oooooh owned by a four year old" Zac said. Lucy made Mike help me up and get out of the costume. And sent Mia downstairs to make us all breakfast. She threw the camera out the window (with help from me) and went up to give her mother a hug. "Good morning mummy" Lucy said. "Good morning sweetheart". I ran down the stairs and secretly high-fived Mia. "Nice one, but next time, don't prank me". Lucy co Es down the stairs being carried by Eva. I kiss my wife good morning stand tell her of my plans for today. Zac and I had been working on an armoured car so that we could drive around relatively safely. We had acquired quite an arsenal of weapons over the years of surviving the apocalypse. We keep them all in a room upstairs, away from Lucy and the rest of the house. Mike had given us professional training with the guns. His dad had been a special forces officer before he retired. Mike had grown up around guns, and he knew a thing or two about them. Eva had put some relaxing music on and Lucy began to sing. Her singing reminded me of all the things that I held closest to me. My family, my friends and caring for them. I'm a simple guy. I don't like to make things more complicated than they have to be. I know that's a lot to say when you are one of the last 20 people on earth, but you get my point. Zac, Mike and I were going to go out and look for another person of the last 20. By the looks of the others, they were also mesmerised by my daughter's singing. When the song finished I picked her up and said "you are a great singer" I tell her. "Thankyou daddy" she replies and tries to squirm out of my arms. I just hug her tighter and make sounds like a monster. She fake screams and gets out of my arms. I chase her down the hallway until I can't see her anymore. Where did she go? "Where are you Lucy?". Out of nowhere, she tackles me down to the ground and sits on me. "Ouch" Zac says behind me. "Owned by a four year old". "Hey! At least it was my four year old!". "Blah, Blah Blah! That's daddy talk! I'm going to go talk to mummy!" Lucy says. "Ok, say hello for me" Zac yells after her. "You look worried" I say to Zac. "I am. I have something to tell you" he says, not looking into my eyes directly. "I'm open. What is it?". "I'm going to be a father". "Congratulations! What's so bad about that?". "Taylor is not dealing with it very well. She doesn't think that she will be able to have the child". "Why?". "We need a surgeon". "Eva can heal wounds, but I don't think she has medical training". "Exactly. There is no way to bring my child into the world". "Perhaps we can think of a solution when we are out looking for another one of the last 20". "Ok, anything to take my mind off it". I pull him into a hug and tell him that Taylor is going to be alright. We go to the kitchen and kiss our loved ones goodbye. "We are just going to have a look for another member of the last 20, we'll be back soon" I say and kiss my wife. "Please come back safely, I can't deal with any more loss" Eva says. "It's going to be ok Eva. Think on the bright side. We have each other and we have a child! Do you know how amazed we would have been if we told our past selves that we were married and had a child? They would probably faint" I said with a laugh. "Ok, whatever you say" Eva said. I could tell her thought were on something else, but I didn't want to sound too demanding by asking. Mike came downstairs with a huge box and put it in the car. "Mike? Are you gonna drive?" Zac asked. "Sure". Zac and I jumped into our respective seats. We drove out of the garage and Mike floored the accelerator. I picked up some guns and checked their ammo. "Dude? Were you up all night loading these guns?" I asked Mike, feeling a bit amazed that he was driving a car after staying up all night. "Yep. I can't sleep. I have nightmares when I sleep. Always the same one though. I don't want to talk about it" he said. "We got aliens coming up! 9 o'lock! I picked up a revolver and shot one. Another one jumped onto the car and Zac shot it off with an AO-62 assault rifle. Mike pressed a few buttons and a periscope type thing with buttons on the sides came from the roof in front of me. "That's a Gatling gun! Press both buttons at the same time to shoot!" Mike yelled over the sound of Zac's AO-62. I pressed a button on my seat and it became fully rotatable (A/N is that even a word?) "there's also an MK-19 on the roof if you need it!" (A/N an MK-19 is a vehicle mounted grenade launcher) I pelt the aliens with bullets and blow up clusters of them with grenades. Zac is having heaps of fun with a sniper rifle. He is extremely accurate with it and is hitting the aliens with headshot after headshot. I pick up a shot gun and shoot a head off an alien. Mike has picked up a revolver and its firing round after round into an alien beast. Zac leans over and shoots an entire clip out of his assault rifle into the thing. Mike grabs a grenade shoves it into the alien's gaping mouth and punches it in the face. It falls off and explodes. "YEAH!" We all shout and continue shooting aliens. Mike looks back at e road and swerves violently. "There's a guy back there!" I jump out the window and send broken down cars into a barrier around the guy. I run at the car and jump up. I send a telepathic wave into the ground below me and I jump higher. I land with a thud and shoot at aliens with two pistols. I pick up the guy with my powers and jump over the barrier of cars with him. I out him on his feet and tell him to run to the car. BLAM! BLAM! BLAM! BLAM! My pistols send bullets into alien after alien. Zac grabs the guy and throws him into the car. Mike floors the accelerator and the car rockets forwards. Zac kicks the door open and I vault into the car. The door slams on my legs and I scream. The guy pulls me in and Mike drives down the road at break-neck speed. "Crap,crap,crap crap! My legs are broken!" I yell. Zac fires guns at any aliens that challenge us. Eventually, the number of aliens around decreases to none. Mike shoots into the garage and parks the car. He closes the roller door and runs around to my door. Zac and Mike pick me up and run me inside. "Get Eva! His legs are broken!". I notice that there is a huge gash in my chest. "He's losing blood fast!" Mike yells. "Get Lucy away from the kitchen!" Eva yells and rushes in. My head feels faint and my eyes begin to close. "Stay with me Leo! Don't close those eyes" Eva yells desperately. My legs begin to shake as the bones in them move around and heal. It tickles a bit, but compared to the pain that I was experiencing before, it's great. Eva moves onto my gash and puts her hands on it. This thing is huge. It's taking too long to heal. I notice the guy that we rescued is looking at me and wanting to help. "H-he can help" I manage to say. "My dad was a surgeon. He taught me a thing or two about it" the guy says quietly. Mia runs in with some medical things and rushes back out to keep Lucy away. The guy grabs come stitching and begins to sew me up. "Can you ease his pain?" He asks Eva. "I can try" she replies, desperate to do something. Relief floods me as the pain eases. "He's all done. He just needs to spend a bit of time resting so that the stitches can heal" the guy says. "Thankyou, I probably wouldn't be alive if you didn't help. You saved my life" I say gratefully. "By the way, I'm Lloyd" the guy says. "Nice to meet you Lloyd, I'm Leo, this is Eva my wife, Zac my best friend, Taylor, Zac's girlfriend, Mike and Mia". I introduce us all. "And I'm Lucy!" Lucy says, running into the room. I sit up gently and stand. "Be careful not to rip you're stitches, they aren't the best but they will do. I will have to remove them in a few days, but you should be careful until then" Lloyd says. I hobble up to my room and lay down on my bed. After a while Eva comes in and sits on the end of the bed. "I'm sorry Eva, I had to save Lloyd" I begin. "All that matters is that you're here with us now. I'm just grateful that Lloyd could help". We stay there in silence until Eva says she needs to go to lunch and will bring some up to me. This is going to be a very boring few days. I just have to stay in bed while I heal. Eventually Eva comes up again. She brings me some food and I sit up to eat it. "I heard about Taylor" she says. Now that Lloyd is here, they have some hope, but it is still very much in a fragile state" she says and goes silent. "You're thinking about something, aren't you Eva?" I ask, hoping to get some insight into what she was thinking. "I didn't know how to tell you this but...I'm going to have another child".

Wow! That was interesting. I didn't even know what to write for any of that. I just had an Idea that Zac and Taylor should have a child at the same time as Leo and Eva. I kinda missed that opportunity when I brought Lucy into the story. But now, since it has been four years, maybe, just maybe, Eva and Leo could have another child? I don't know. I need name ideas. And if you got weirded out by the weapon names, I did look them up on Wikipedia, so don't think I knew them off by heart. Anyway, thanks for reading my story. As you have probably noticed, this story is more about the things that people do than the action. Sorry to all those who wanted to read more action. Depending on the feedback I get I might start putting more action into the story. Another thing. What is you're favourite character in this story? I need to know, just in case I have decided to get rid of that character. I don't want to upset anyone! Anyways...

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