Chapter 11

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Katie's P.O.V

"Hello sweetheart, you look beautiful". I was a bit umm surprised but who wouldn't be though, I haven't seen this woman in years.

"Mom, why are you here?". I glared at her.

"I'll leave you two alone, if your looking for me I'll be at the bar", I nodded as he planted a kiss on my cheek.

I then returned my attention to the thing that supposedly gave birth to me,"What do you want? Why can't you just leave me alone?".

She sighed," Honey I've missed you and I wanted to see how you were doing".

I gave out a dry laugh," isn't that hilarious". She sighed and held my hand pulling me over to a vacant table.

I eyed her hand on my arm," You can let go of me now". She slowly took it off and placed it on her lap. Fine maybe I said that a bit too harshly but she deserves it.

I took a margarita from a passing waitress and sipped it as I stared at her accusingly, "Why are you really?".

She sipped her peanut calada as she smiled, "I'm getting married". I nearly choked on my drink, "What?!".

She nodded and smiled," Geoffrey and I didn't work out and we divorced a few months ago". Wow, she moves on fast.

"I'm guessing he went bankrupt". Her face went red, "Of course not, I loved Geoffrey".

Whatever bitch you can't fool me.

"So who's the 'lucky guy' ",my voice dripping with sarcasm. She ignored it and went on babbling, "His name is Roberto and he lives right here in the city so I'll be able to see you".

I don't wanna see you.

She beamed, "I heard you got a job, congratulations, a lingerie model not bad especially for Faux Companies. And I wanted to ask for so long, who's the hottie".

I was about to combust into flames," You obviously did your homework mistress bitch, quit acting like you know me".

She gasped at my sudden outburst and I took the time to get up and march over to the bar where Dylan was obviously being annoyed at the advances of a strawberry blonde hair girl.

I grabbed on Dylan's arm, "Were leaving". But before I could go farther a hand latched around my wrist pulling me back.

I guess you could say we formed a bit of a crowd.

"I'm your mother have some respect, listen to me when I'm talking to you", she shouted. I knew her little innocent facade would blow off.

"You've lost that privilege when you ran out on my father and I to marry some rich guy, you didn't even visit once". Great I'm crying now.

"You ungrateful little bitch, I paid your school fees, I bought you designer clothes and shoes, I made sure you were comfortable".

I clenched my fists, "None of that matters, all I wanted was to see you, I loved you Mom, I really did...all of the things you sent me are still in the same bags with their tags and everything at the bottom of my closet".

I felt Dylan tighten his grip on my hand.

"I gave you my love and you didn't want it".

I gave out a dry laugh, "Money can't buy love or happiness and it definitely can't buy me". I turned on my heel as I went towards to the door with Dylan still holding my hand.

We made it outside to the car park and he abruptly stopped. I turned around to ask what's wrong but was met with a nice, warm hug.

I took in his manly scent and smiled,"What's wrong?". He kissed the top of my head.

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