Chapter 4

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Slowly I awaken. Where am I? I am sitting on a cold stone floor. Rusty metal shackles bind my arms to the wall. They are tight. Too tight. It hurts. I try to move, my entire leg burns with white hot pain. I am sure my ankle is broken.

Why didn't they kill me? Why do they need me here? I don't understand.

Where is the doctor? I call out for him, my voice comes out weak and strangled. "Doctor!" I cry out again. "Doctor please!" He must not be near, he would reply if he was. I hope he is still alive. He must be. Why would they keep me and not him?

I am crying.

One man comes to my mind in this moment of loneliness and confusion.


My heart wrenches at the thought of him. I miss him so much. I long for his touch. To be held in his arms. For him to pick me up and carry me out of this hell hole and into the light. I know that won't happen, that I shouldn't even hope.

I can hear myself crying now. Each sob which I allow to escape from my mouth get louder and louder as I think of him. As I think of the doctor. As I think of the pain in my leg. I have only ever cried like this once before. Proper deep crying. That was when mum died.

I push the thought out of my mind. I don't need more sadness right now.

I hear a dalek approaching the door to my cell. It opens slowly, the dalek rolls in. "HUMAN" it's screeching voice exclaims "YOU WILL STAND" I try to comply with its demand but the more I try the more the pain in my leg increases. The dalek is getting impatient "STAND!"

"I can't! My ankle"! I reply. I am scared for my life.


"I'm trying!" I shout back at it. I grab the chains which are currently holding my arms up, I use every ounce of strength in my body to haul myself up slowly into a standing position with all my weight resting on my uninjured leg. "Ok..." I say quietly, exhausted by the amount of exertion needed to even stand up. "I'm up... What do you want?"

"YOU WILL COME WITH US!" I now notice the dalek has been joined by two others. One of the daleks comes towards me and undoes the chains with its plungery thing. How did it do that?

"MOVE!" The dalek which released me says. Slowly I hobble my way out of the cell, the pain in my ankle is starting to make me feel sick.

"YOU WILL COME WITH US!" The first dalek repeats. I limp after them, the dalek which followed me out is close behind me, blocking any escape route, even if I could escape, I wouldn't be fast enough.

I don't know where I am going, but I am almost certain it is to my death.

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