Chapter 8

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As I lay there on the cold floor of my kitchen, I start to see the blood that is running from my face. I need help, one man comes to mind. Danny. Slowly I get up, using the kitchen counter to help me. I hobble my way through my house to the front door, as quickly as I dare, and get in my car.

I drive. Slowly. Over to Danny's house, not daring to use the clutch because I know how much pain that will bring me. I got a few people honking their horns at me, but luckily Danny lives pretty close to me so it doesn't take too long to get there. Soon I am parked in Danny's driveway and I slowly make my way to his house. I ring the doorbell.

"Coming!" I hear him call from inside. Moments later he opens the door, his eyes go wide from shock when he sees me.

"Danny..." I manage to say weakly. I am starting to feel dizzy, my knees give in and I fall. He catches me in his strong arms.

"Clara! Oh my god are you ok?" He shouts. I hate seeing him so upset.

"Help..." I manage to utter as I look up into his glossy eyes.

"Oh my god..." He says quietly "Clara..." I see a tear roll down his cheek as he picks me up bridal style, carries me through to his living room and lays me gently on the sofa. He kisses me softly on the forehead. "I will be right back." He says as he stands up and walks into the kitchen. A few minutes later he reappears with a basin of water and a cloth. He sets the basin on the floor and kneels on the carpet beside me. He uses the now damp cloth to wipe the blood from my face. I wince as the water stings the cut down my cheek. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry." He says, another tear making it's way down his face.

"It's ok," I tell him quietly. "Thank you, you don't have to do this."

"Yes I do Clara, are you kidding me? I love you, I... I can't bear to see you in pain." My Danny, what a sweetheart.

"I love you too" I tell him through new forming tears. "I really, really do. Don't ever forget."

"I won't" he says locking eyes with me. "Not ever." He places a soft kiss on my lips. He is so gentle. Always gentle. He moves my hair out of the way and holds the cloth to my neck, I wince again as it stings. I didn't even know I was cut there. Must have been from where the shackles grappled into my neck. "I'm sorry..." He whispers so quietly I almost don't hear him.

"Stop apologising" I tell him.

"Sorry..." He replies. I give him a glare. We both giggle. He's so cute. I love him so much. "So what happened?" As I begin to tell him the story, I watch his expression change from worried, to scared, I see tears forming in his eyes as i tell him of my close call with death. "So he just abandoned you?" Danny asks in disbelief.

"Yeah, pretty much." I reply. "He said he didn't think I would survive."

"He actually said that?"


"And what did you say?"

"I told him to take me home. I may or may not have slapped him before I left."

Danny laughs slightly. "That's my girl!" This makes me giggle a little bit. Danny always knows how to make me smile. His expression falters, a frown now in place of his perfect smile. "I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you." He says quietly, bowing his head slightly.

"Hey" I say softly, placing a finger under his chin and lift it so that our eyes meet. "It's not your fault, you didn't even know."

"You're right, you're right" he says "can I take a look at your ankle?" I nod my head as a yes. He carefully removes my boot and examines my ankle. I remember him saying to me before that he had some medical training whilst he was in the army. "I don't think it's broken, just badly sprained, but I think we should take you to the hospital to be sure." Danny says kindly.

"But, then I will have to tell them what happened. I can't exactly say I was running from aliens." I tell him.

"I guess, but you'll think of something." Danny says.

"Okay, but not right now, I like just being here with you." I lift myself up so I am resting on my knees and pat the space on the sofa where my upper body lay. "Sit." I ask him. He happily complies. I lean into him, resting my head in the crook of his neck as his arm makes it's way around my shoulders. "I like this." I tell him again. "Just us."

"Me too." He replies as I feel myself drifting, falling, slowly to sleep in his arms.


Hi everyone! I'm so sorry about how long this has taken me to update, I was pretty busy with stuff and yeah, I'm sorry!

Also 100 reads! I don't believe it! I am so happy right now :D thank you thank you thank you!

Hopefully the next chapter shouldn't take to long to be posted.

Be happy and don't be lasagne!

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