Prologue [1/2]

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Thank you for all your support, readers! ~Author

It was a fine summer day, but the heat was nearly unbearable. You were at Stark Tower with the rest of the team. Everyone was sprawled over chairs and couches, some drinking water to stay cool, despite the fact that the building was air conditioned. The reason you were all here you didn't know, you had gotten a notification and came to Tony's as fast as you could. You had heard nobody else speak.

You were sitting in a small lounge chair with your feet up on an ottoman. You took a few casual glances around at everyone. You saw restlessness in all of their faces, before realizing that Stark himself wasn't in the room. Everyone was waiting for him to show up to tell them what the hell it was that was worth sending out an emergency alert.

The silence was broken by Clint, who let out a large sigh and rubbed his chin with his hand nonchalantly that pretty much summed up the mood. You chuckled slightly to yourself, making only a small noise but enough to make most of the team glance in your direction. There was a small tense silence while people looked around for the one to speak first.

Luckily, nobody needed to, because at that moment Tony Stark walked in. Half naked with a towel wrapped around his waist, and sopping wet, freshly showered.

"What the hell?" Thor said loudly and breathlessly, sitting up straight as did everyone else, all staring at Tony with utter confusion and some with visible disgust.

Tony stood still in the doorway, his hair wet and visibly dripping over his face. He stared back at everyone silently. "Jarvis...?" He murmured.

"Yes, sir."

"Why is everybody in my living room?" Tony stared hard at everyone, and then to you. You heard the sound of water hitting the polished floor.

"Emergency Alert Protocol, Sir."

"Emergency Al-" Tony lifted his arms and then dropped them to his sides again, clearly embarrassed but unwilling to let his guard down in front of the Avengers.

Clint was laughing into his hands, looking Tony up and down. "First shower in a long time, I bet, huh Tony? Felt like sharing it with us?"

Thor roared with his classic laugh that made Natasha beside him shirk, as she was still trying to decide weather or not this was actually an emergency.

"Actually, no, I take a lot of showers, this is definitely not my first." Tony pointed at Clint and to Thor, his eyebrows high. "But I for sure did not send out an Emergency Alert, I would never do that unless it was actually an emergency."

Steve smiled slightly. "B.O. is for sure an emergency."

You laughed, as did some others.

"Sir," Jarvis said clearly from nowhere in particular, "I hate to interrupt, but you did indeed send out an Emergency Alert at 5:18 this afternoon to the extended group."

Dr. Strange exhaled loudly through his nose. He was leaning back on a chair. "So that's why I was notified as well."

Tony looked helpless, but thoroughly annoyed at being made fun of. He sniffed dismissively, turned on his heel and walked out, the towel swishing behind him and the automatic doors closing in sync.

You glanced around, sharing a smile with some others. Everyone looked slightly less serious now, partly because of the realization there was no real danger and also because they had a topic of discussion now.

"Who comes out to their living room still wrapped in a towel?" You pointed out, and a few nods and murmurs followed your words. Thor roared with laughter once again, like it was the funniest thing the Asgardian had ever seen.

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