2. Steve

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The way your fingers are fumbling with the paper makes you think you're drunk. Except you were for sure not, you had barely taken a couple sips compared to nearly everyone else in the room. It made you feel like a child. But those feelings dissolved as your chest tightened, selecting a piece of paper.

You opened it, but didn't read it immediately - your eyes were unfocused, just gazing ahead thoughtlessly in a haze. But Steve, who was peeking over your shoulder, did.

"Damn," he murmured softly. Your eyelids fluttered, regaining your thoughts and finally reading the name for your own. Everyone was staring curiously at the two of you, and Steve had drawn himself up to his full height, exhaling confrontedly and crossing his arms across his broad chest.

You turned to Steve. You had to look up at him. You weren't even that close to him, he was just that tall. The idea of being stuck in the closet with the captain made your heart flutter. You couldn't read his expression, but his eyes gave away that he was anxious. You offered a weak smile, that he attempted to return, although even more half-heartedly.

"The closet's down the hall, you two," Tony said, looking preoccupied with his drink. Everyone in the room murmured slowly.

Except for Thor, who whooped loudly. It made you flinch. Good old Thor, always having your back with being excited for you twenty-four-seven. Maybe he knew this was a moment that you would most likely remember for a long time.

You looked back to see Steve beginning to walk through the doors, looking straight ahead. You followed him, picking up to a jog to get out of the room quicker. Now it was just you two in the hall. He stopped walking at the closet door, arms hanging by his sides.

"Nervous?" You asked softly, curious as to his silence.

He whipped around and faced you, his eyes astonishingly blue. "We don't have to do this. If you're uncomfortable there's no reason for this to happen. I know that you have your limits and don't like doing things you'd rather not." He rambled in one breath.

You blinked slowly at him, studying his face. "I'm fine." You say, your voice stronger than you had intended it to be. Steve looked off, like those were the words he didn't want to hear. He reached for the closet door's handle and opened the door, moving back for you to step in first.

You moved into the closet. The clothes and hangers had been removed, most likely by Stark, so it was just a very small room. Steve seemed reluctant to close the door, but when he did, the room was instantaneously pitch black. You couldn't see anything.

"Where are you?" Steve murmured, almost inaudibly.

"I'm right here," you responded, reaching forward to try and touch him to show him where you were. You grab his arm. Your first thought is that you've found him. Your second is that he is really fucking solid. Your face warms considerably, your fingers lightly touching his arm muscles. You feel awkward, and feel a need to crack a joke. "Don't really see the muscles through that leotard." You laughed slowly, and a small exhale of breath comforts you in that Steve found the comment somewhat amusing. You remove your hand. No reason for things to get too strange.

"You've only ever seen me in uniform once, Y/N," Steve says breathlessly.

He reminds you of the day he had to leave for a mission. He was dressed in his star spangled banners, and was running out of Stark tower. But he found time to give a toothy grin to you and a friendly salute before disappearing. You found yourself laughing.

"That was funny. It didn't look too comfortable on you," You offered, remembering how his hand kept subconsciously traveling to his behind to readjust. Of course you had noticed. I mean, come on. In his uniform, his butt was the star of the show.

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