1. Tony

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Your fingers find a piece of paper. You shakily take it out and unfold it. Everyone's watching, and it doesn't help when you read the name that was so carefully written there, in familiar handwriting.

You swallow hard, and look up at Tony, and he looks at you curiously, tilting his head. "Well? Who did you get?"

You say his name, but it gets lost in your throat as it became so suddenly dry. Your voice cracks.

"Speak up."

"You," You blurt, your heart beating fast. "I got you, Tony."

Stephen let out a low whistle and looked away, drinking his wine again.

Tony crossed his arms. "Alright, that's fine, of course." Then he suddenly walked forward and took the paper from your hands, reading it over and over. Then he grumbled and let it fall from his hands onto the floor.

Steve let out a small chuckle, leaned over the bar. He smiled smugly at you and raised his hand to Tony, as if to say, 'well, what are you waiting for? The man's right here.' You sniff a little, your heart still racing. Not really because you picked Tony... because everyone was staring.

"Okay, fine. We'll be back in seven, and then it's someone else's turn." Tony said, grabbing your wrist. A little more lightly then you had expected him to hold you, but nobody needed to know that.

"Have fun, you two!" Thor roared.

"Shut up." Tony pointed at Thor, before steering you out into the hall. The doors silently closed behind you, and he walked you in silence to the closet.

"Hey, Tony, don't get too gutsy with her, she might kick your ass!" Pietro called down the hall. You looked over your shoulder. He stood behind you, and Tony looked angry.

"Leave us alone, flash." He growled. "She'll be fine."

You didn't know what to say, so you kept your little mouth shut.

"Give a yell and I'll get you out of there before you can blink." Pietro says to you, meeting your eyes. And you know he meant every word of it.

"You'll be listening?" You sputter, brows furrowed.

"Creepy as hell, come on," Tony pulled your wrist and ducked into the closet, promptly shutting the door behind you. The darkness instantly shrouded you, and you could still hear chatter and laughter through the walls. You inhaled shakily as you worried what they were saying about you.

The silence absorbed the two of you as you stood in the closet, facing eachother but avoiding eye contact, before Tony finally murmured, "This doesn't feel very heavenly."

You exhaled loudly. "No, it doesn't. What did you expect? Did you think about Pepper?"

"I don't think she would mind," Tony hissed lightly. "I mean, I kiss girls all the time."

"You expected us to kiss?" You asked, squinting at him in disbelief.

"Have you never played this goddamn game before? Out of everyone here you'd be the one I'd expect to have some expierence!"

"WHAT? What the hell?! What makes you think that?" You stepped forward, feeling his breath on your face.

"Oh, I see, playing it innocent, like you don't know literally every fucking guy here has eyes for you!" He growled loudly, and you could see his eyes shine through the darkness.

You stay quiet. You couldn't believe what had just slipped out of Tony's dirty mouth of his. You looked at him with a look that said everything. What the hell, and what the hell.

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