6. Stephen Strange

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His jade green eyes glinted as he offered a smug smile, raising his eyebrows as you held fast to his gaze. He was leaning up against the back of a couch, a crystal wine glass of red in his fingers, and his curly hair swept in strands over his eyes.

"Stephen," You murmur, breathless to the point where the words became only a gust of directionless air.

He looked downward, straightening up and placing his wine glass delicately on the coffee table, before he stepped toward you, so much himself. His cloak swept around him and he stood in front of you, tilting his head slightly to one side. The corners of his mouth twitched, like he was thoughtful as the two of you locked eyes.

"Right, okay-" Tony blurted, drawing out his words as he literally inhaled the last of his champagne. "You two know what to do. Be back in seven." Followed by a fit of violent coughing.

Stephen looked up, meeting Tony's eyes. "Cover your mouth, Stark," he said deftly.

"Yeah-" Tony countered, regaining his posture, and glaring through Strange. "And you better cover yours before you start making out with her in front of us- dumbass..."

You squealed in defiance and obvious embarrassment.

Stephen's stoic face softened into a small grin, not taking his eyes off Stark. "You're right, the temptation can be overwhelming, even for a sorcerer supreme," he said crisply. "May we be excused?"

"Play nice, kids," Clint called from across the room, feet up on an ottoman and he raised a bottle of beer to his lips.

Stephen lowered his head, his lips moving beside your ear. "Let's go," he murmured as you felt a light force turning you toward the exit and urging you forward, not necessarily against your will. The doors began to slide open automatically.

"I've heard she wears lingerie under her work clothes!" came Pietro's voice as he shouted at Stephen.

"SHUT UP PIETRO!" You screamed before the door shut firmly behind you, muffling the end of your exclamation to the Avengers.

In the warmly lit hallway, you walked forward in a slow pace as Stephen walked right beside you, perfectly matching your walking speed and rhythm. You met his eyes once on the way to the closet, and when you did, he smiled. Like, really smiled.

He opened the closet door for you, and you slipped quickly inside.

"S-sorry about Pietro, he's like that-"

"I don't blame him, he finds great pleasure in making you extremely embarrassed," Stephen scoffed, his hand on the door handle as he stepped in behind you. "It's painfully obvious he likes you."

"I- don't wear lingerie under-"

"Hm. No need to tell me, I'd rather find out myself," he said sharply, as he eased the door shut, the only light now from the bottom of the door. He stepped around a bit. "...Quite a lot of space in here; I would've expected less room, especially from a closet."

"It's Stark's." You grumbled lightly. "He needs room to hang those thousands of suits." But there were no suits in the closet, only a bare metal bar near the ceiling for clothing hangers.

"So what made you join the Avengers?" Stephen asked politely, his eyes shining. "You certainly don't get paid."

"I know that," You huffed. "I'm just trying to get through my schooling, while keeping up an alter-ego as a superhero. They provide a room... I do it because it feels right."

"Feels right... to work in a place where your co-workers sexually harass you?" He intervened.

You inhaled sharply. "No. They are not usually like this." You paused. "Not usually this brave."

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