Prologue [2/2]

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Natasha hands you an empty glass. You take it automatically.

"Oh." You murmur, realising its a glass most commonly used for drinking alcohol.

"Oh, come on." Natasha smiles at you. "We'll start you off light. It'll be fun, I promise. Let loose a little. Maybe later we can mess with Tony's stuff."

"Alright." You smile mischievously, even though you had no intention of tampering with Tony's equipment. Natasha grins, and then catwalks off. You quietly wonder if she's just trying to capture all the guy's attention by walking like that. Whatever the case, all the guys here would for sure take her over you. He stare down into your empty cup.

It's been filled.

You look around a little. No more than two seconds ago it was completely empty, but now honey colored liquid topped with foam was filled to the brim in your glass. Frightened, you glance down at the group, before your eyes meet Pietro's icy blue ones. He smirks and winks at you waving slightly, holding a bottle of beer in his closed hand. Incidentally, he was drinking directly from it. How mischievous of the guy.

"Goddamit Pietro." You murmur to yourself, looking down at the alcohol. You exhale shakily, closing your eyes, regaining your confidence and walking towards everyone else, finding a spot on a loveseat and sitting down by yourself.

"LOKI!" Thor rumbles. Loki strode through the doors, dressed in a fleece and jeans. He smiled smugly at Thor, looked at you, dropped his smile, and sits down next to you.

"What the hell?" You sputter. "Loki?"

"Thats me." He says with a flourish, raising a hand to glorify his entrance.

"What is the greasy haired rat doing here?" Stephen Strange muttered from across the room, his fingers flexing. You could almost see them glowing with his magic.

"Whatever the reason, he has no right to sit next to Y/N." Tony flared, pointing at Loki.

Loki clasped your shoulder with a hand, shaking it slightly. "No need to worry, we're best friends." He chirped lightly, but you felt uncomfortable being touched by the god of Mischief like this. And with him so sitting so close to you.

Bucky yelled. "Don't touch her!" He roared, taking a step forward, his hands reaching towards his belt, presumably towards a handgun.

Everyone started freaking slightly, and Loki smirked at you, his hand still on your shoulder. Finally people started yelling, and Thor stood up on the coffee table.

"Loki has come here because I summoned him." Thor said loudly and clearly.

"..Summoned, not really, I just wanted to have a party-"

"He will cause no harm, and if he does, so will I to him." Thor glared at Loki, who promptly cringed and removed his hand from your shoulder. You exhaled in relief, shakily raising your drink and taking a sip, the alcohol hot on the back of your throat. Everyone relaxed eventually, although nobody stopped looking at Loki every five seconds. You were happy about that. He might need to be watched.

You noticed just now the music that was playing in the background. A slow waltz. Hot dog, what a great start to the rest of the evening.

Thor stepped off of the coffee table, approached you, and held out his hand. He smiled sweetly, and you took the hint that he wanted to dance. Awkwardly, you got up, and looked for a place to set down your drink.

But Loki gently took it out of your hands, and smirked at you. "I'll take that." He said, and before you could say anything he had downed the whole goddamn glass. You sniffed, and he looked up at you with a satisfied expression.

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