5. Loki

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(warning: wee bit of almost-smut here guys, nothing really bad, more referring to it than actually writing it haha)

Before you even said a word the guy had already sighed dramatically and looked away with a dark scowl on his face. How he knew right away who you had chosen was beyond you, but the God became extremely interested in his drink, his green eyes dark and becoming fixated on the floorboards.

You looked around slightly. Everyone obviously knew now whose name you had drawn, the loopy cursive name shimmering on the small slip of paper, but Loki looked disinterested and determined to not make any eye contact with you. Thor leaned in slightly towards Loki and muttered something to him, making fleeting glances in your direction while Loki looked disinterested but still attentive, and eventually the God of Mischief growled lowly and took a sip of his drink.

He murmured something back to Thor, in barely a whisper, but you could've sworn on your life you saw the words "foolish mortal" on his lips.

"What did you just say...?" You began, the words nearly inaudible but shaking slightly with anger.

Tony clapped you on the shoulder and shook it slightly. "I don't think he wants to play, love. Why don't you draw someone else?" He moved the hat towards you again.

Loki looked up at you, his black hair falling around his shoulders. His lips were curled in a scowl. "I said I'm not interested in associating with a foolish mortal like yourself." His eyes were fiery and hot, searing burning holes in your chest.

Everyone was silent as the tension set in and you stared at the man. Everyone looked curious as to what was about to happen next, and the noiseless haze set in, and your mind became cloudy.

"At least..." You begin to murmur thoughtlessly. "At least our suffering ends sooner. We don't have to spend centuries feeling cast out and alone."

He was silent, his foot bouncing as he turned his head slightly, eyes boring into yours as a sudden flicker of curiosity rose in his eyes. Everyone else shared glances, not willing to step in. To your surprise, after a long and unbearably uncomfortable silence, he began to laugh. A small chuckle as the corners of his eyes crinkled, a smile creeping onto his face.

"I must admit, you do have a point," he said, raising his drink to his lips and taking a sip. "You are much more intelligent than the rest of your associates." He smiled, enjoying everyone's expressions of surprise. "Mortal lives are like ants. They exists for one moment and then," He snapped his fingers, making several people flinch. "Gone. And the best part?" A small, almost sad smile set in. "Nobody remembers them."

"Are you going in the closet with her or not?" Tony finally called out. Everyone was sick of Loki's speeches about the lack of significance of mortal lives, and Tony was the first to snap.

Loki looked up at Tony, his smile dropping. "You know what, Stark?" He rose to his feet, brushing out wrinkles in his robe, and flashing a smile. "I think I will. I would rather be out of rather than in this room containing the dullest of your species." He walked up to you and looped his arm in yours, pulling you to his side. "If you may excuse us." He said with a warm smile, and walking you forward, as the doors opened and you and Loki stepped through the threshold.

As the doors closed behind you, he let go of you immediately and began walking on his own, with a quickened pace. Passing the closet door.

"Loki, where are you-"

He laughed coldly, not turning around as you jogged to keep up with him. "Do you think I would go in a closet with you? To fool about? You disgust me." His robe floated behind him, and he kept up his pace as you began to fall behind.

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