4. Thor

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You drew the slip of paper out of the hat, grimacing as you read the name.

"Thor," You mumbled, looking up at the blonde you looked at you expectantly, his blue puppy dog eyes wide and lips curled into a small smile.

Thor let out a loud laugh that actually almost burst your eardrums, rolling back onto the couch and beginning to chuckle like it was the funniest thing he'd ever heard, and began to pat Loki beside him on the shoulder. He laughed very loudly for a long, long time.

Loki did not make any expression as Thor continuously shook his shoulder through his loud laughs, but locked eye contact with you, his green eyes thinly veiled with amusement. He made sure his timing was right as he bent his neck slightly and murmured something into Thor's ear.

Whatever it was, Thor stopped laughing immediately, his face dropped and he looked around at everyone staring at him. A thick tension set into the air as Thor stared back at everyone. "Is it not...?" Thor began to murmur. "Is it not a what you call.... a joke?"

Now Loki was laughing. He made no sound and did not smile, but the corners of his mouth twitched and his eyes twinkled maliciously as he watched his brother turn beet red.

Tony was next to laugh. "Alright, we have the lovely mistress..." He gestured a hand to you, before smirking at Thor. "And the uncultured Asgaurdian god." He looked at you. "You might have to take the ropes and show him how to play."

You make a small noise out of embarrassment and Tony glowed as he watched you blush.

Thor slowly rose out of his chair, patting out the wrinkles in his pants and walking up to you slowly, before offering his large hand to you. Slowly, you reached out as well, your palm fitting into his snugly as he interlaced your fingers and pulled you to his side, steering you forward.

"Have fun," Stephen half-smirked, half-grimaced at you as you stepped through the threshold to the hallway, pulled tightly to Thor's side.

Thor said nothing until the door closed softly behind you, when he let go of your hand and rubbed his forehead, as he reddened in the face again. "I have made a fool of myself."

You laugh, thoroughly enjoying this but also partly insulted. "You have, Thor."

Thor sighed, a smile creeping onto his face. "...what is the purpose of this game?"

"Usually people kiss," You say easily.

"Usually? As in, not always?"

"Well, yeah, you don't have to and-" You mutter quickly, "Sometimes - more- never mind..."

Thor crossed his arms and looked down at you, his eyes glittering in amusement against the darkness. "Care to show me then? I am clueless when it comes to your Midgardian pastimes."

"Yeah, yeah," You breathed quietly. "...of course you are." Your face heats up slightly and you stand still in the increasing tension, unwilling to move. A couple minutes pass before anything is done or said.

"...Are you not going to do anything, my lady?"


"You are standing there like you are not going to do anything."

You looked down, your face heating up, your hands clasped together, and your thumbs fidgeting. You didn't know what to say."

"Well," Thor growled. "If you're not going to do something, I'll have to do it myself."

"Thor what do yo-"

A thud followed by a sudden feeling of heat shrouds your senses as you find yourself squeezed between the drywall and him, large hands on the wall either side of your head, and his lips dangerously close to yours, feathering air over your face. Everything suddenly rose in temperature as you were trapped by his broad shoulders and extremely tall stature, and the blond smiled at you temptingly. He had slammed you into the back wall, and now he kept you against it.

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