Chapter 1

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{Seven years later~}

"No you!"

"No, you!"

Rainbow Jacquelin walked through her front door to see two pink mares flirting with each other.

Coughing loadly, she interupted them both.

"Oh Hey Rainbow Junior!" Pinkie Pie squealed.

The filly just sighed before replying. "hi."

Pink Smile and PinkiePie exchanged worried glances. "Are you okay?" Pinkie started, more seriously.

"And be honest! Your mother taught you to be honest!" Pink Smile added.

"Nothing, I'm just tired." She secretly lied, but she had a reason. Jacquelin swore to herself her mothers would be the first to know.

"Well...okay." Pink Smile accepted, while her wife just looked half convinced.

RJ bit her lip and headed up to her room. She shut the door and felt tears rise. "This is stupid. This is so so stupid." She repeated.

3 hours later~

A strong knock filled her folded ears, causing them to rise up with the sound.

"RJ? Are you gonna come out soon?" The raspy voice of one of her mothers asked.

"Uh, yeah Momma!" Jacquelin wiped her eyes and plastered a fake smile on her face.

"Good, cause me and your mother need to talk to you."

Uh oh. That didn't sound good.

Over dinner, Applejack eyed her wife suggestively, in a way to tell her to start the talk.

After clearing her throat, Rainbow spoke up. "We got a telegram from your school today..." She started.

Applejack frowned, continuing. "And we didn't like its content."

RJ looked down at her food, to ashamed to even look her mother's in the eye.

"I...I...didn't mean to."

"RJ, you got into a fight!" AJ reminded.

"I'm sorry Mummy." Her raspy country accent apologized.

Rainbowdash leaned over to whisper something in her wife's ear before leaving the table, refusing to look back at her daughter.

"I have to go talk to Momma." Sighing, the country pony explained, following after the pegasus.

Sinking into her chair, RJ could feel small bruises on her arm start to hurt.


"Wow Applejack nice going!"

"What?! We didn't teach her to behave that way!"

"You know I always got into fights at school and also flight camp! You know how hard it is to tell her that its wrong!?"

"Well, it is!"

"She was probably just defending herself, AJ! Ever think of that?"

"It was still wrong, and shouldn't become a habit if ya ask me!"


"Dash, this is the THIRD time we've gotten a telegram! Don't you think that tells ya something?"

RainbowDash stayed quiet. Applejack always won arguments.

Little did they know, but the walls of their bedroom were as thin as paper, and RJ could hear everything.

"Why do I have to be such a hassel?" She asked herself, starting to feel tears jerk in her eyes. Running up to her room, and slamming the door, she took a look at her reflection.

She didn't look good. Her mane and tail were scruffy and her bright green eyes were red and puffy from crying.

She looked like a disappointment.

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