9. The New Mistress

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Paris, France
March, 1831

"Ah! Courfeyrac!" She copied his enthusiasm.

He threw an arm around her shoulders, and pulled her into a hug. "How are you?"

"I'm doing alright. Forgive me for asking, but why are you here?" Lorraine asked.

He faked looking hurt, "am I not allowed to-" Before he finished, his eyes wandered over to Enjolras. "Am I interrupting something?" He asked, looking between the pair with a sly smile.

"No, nothing at all." Enjolras said sharply, closing his notebook. "Just finished studying for my classes. I should be off soon."

"So soon?" Lorraine wondered. Was the appearance of his friend making him feel embarrassed to be here? Was he embarrassed of her? Why did he feel so uncomfortable?

"I'm afraid so." He checked his watch, looking at the time. "It's quite a bit later than I thought."

Courfeyrac frowned slightly at his friend, as he made a flimsy excuse that visibly saddened Lorraine.

"Well," Lorraine said, "have a good day, both of you." She said, before venturing off into the café.

Courfeyrac turned to Enjolras that had been watching Lorraine, and scoffed. "If that was you idea of getting a woman to like you, I fear you'll be forever alone." He sat next to his blond friend who looked at him quizzically.

"Whatever do you mean?"

He stared at his friend. "You can't be serious. You wouldn't stop talking about that woman last night, and now you make up an awful excuse that obviously upset her." He shook his head. "You've has tons of women in Paris try to get closer to you, and you finally find one you like, and treat her like that?"

"I- I-" He stuttered, but sighed in defeat. "I don't know what I'm doing."

"Let me help you, my friend. I know a little bit about how women think." Courfeyrac boasted.

"Is that why your last three mistresses have left you? The day I take advice from you, is the day I die." Enjolras joked.

"I may not have had much luck, but I feel lucky now." Courfeyrac defended himself, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Really?" The blond rose a skeptical eyebrow.

"As a matter of fact, we're meeting tonight."

"And how is this one different from the rest?" Enjolras asked.

"Her name is Jeanne. I met her in the market on day when I was looking for some apples. Her father owns an orchard near Paris, and sends her and her mother into the city to sell them." He sighed, looking off dreamily. "She's beautiful. She has this amazing dark hair and pretty eyes-"

Enjolras cut his friend off, "should I leave you alone?"

"Oh, shut it." He mumbled, narrowing his eyes. "You are just as hypnotized by Miss Lorraine as I am by my love."

"I am not." Enjolras interjected. He felt his heart speed up when she walked behind Courfeyrac, giving the boys a small smile as she set a tray down. He adjusted his position in his chair, and ran a hand through his messy hair, trying to organize it somehow.

"You are, too." The man laughed loudly, gaining the attention of a few nearby people. "You can't help but focus on only her when she's in your line of vision! It's like your under a spell."

He shook his head. He took another sip from his coffee, letting the warm contents fill his stomach.

"You need to do something that shows how much you care." Courfeyrac advised, reaching for the mug of coffee, but retracting his hand when Enjolras glared at him.

"Like what?" He asked.

"For example, surprise with a gift. Flowers, chocolate, whatever!" Courfeyrac listed off ideas. "Or! Or, you could ask her aunt if you could take a stroll near the Seine. Or take her-" Courfeyrac stopped.

Enjolras looked confused at his friend, and was about to ask why the sudden pause, but he noticed his friend was looking at something behind him. Enjolras turned in his chair and looked up.

Grantaire was holding a bottle of wine in his hands, and looking at Enjolras in the eyes.

"Hello, Grantaire." Courfeyrac smiled.

Grantaire gave him a small nod, and took a swig from the bottle and wiped his mouth with his sleeve. "Hello." He said simply.

"If you want to impress Lorraine, may I suggest pink roses?" Grantaire took a seat at the table. "She loves 'em."

Enjolras slowly nodded as he thought about it.

"That's a great idea!" Courfeyrac said enthusiastically.

"Mm hmm." He hummed.

"Thank you." Enjolras said. "How do you know Lorraine?"

"She's my closest friend." Grantiare said quietly.

"Perhaps you two can help me find a gift to give to Jeanne tonight." Courfeyrac stood up, and brushed off his vest.

Enjolras stood up and slung his bag over his shoulder. "Are you coming?" He turned to Grantaire, who was still sitting down.

"You want this drunk cynic to help? Surely I don't know what a woman would want as a gift." He laughed grimly, sure they wouldn't want  him to accompany them. He took another sip from his bottle, relishing the feeling the liquid gave as it clouded his senses. No one liked him. No one but Lorraine. He knew his some of his fellow students tolerated him, maybe some of them genuinely accepted him into their group, but he knew that the blond in front of him, who was now staring at him with an uncertain look that he couldn't quite place. It wasn't hatred, or confusion. It wasn't acceptance either, though.

"Another set of eyes may help." He said finally, making Grantaire look up at him in surprise. He set down the bottle, stood up, and pushed his chair in, knowing how much it annoyed Lorraine when people left their chairs out.

The other two men stood as well. Enjolras fished a few francs from his pocket. He found Lorraine in the crowd and touched her hand gently. Courfeyrac smiled at the lost look Enjolras wore on his face.

Lorraine jumped in surprise when she felt his hand brush against hers, and she turned the face him. She looked relieved when she saw who it was.

"I just wanted to give you this." He slipped the money into her hand, his fingers lingering for a moment. She took the money, and put it in her apron pocket.

"Merci." She said.

"I'll be back Saturday." He said, making her nod. He began to walk away, and Lorraine watched as he disappeared from the cafe.

A/N: Short and filler. Better chapters coming up.


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