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Rey's POV:

"Rey, meet the Knights of Ren" Kylo says, gesturing over to them.

They step forward and make their way over to Kylo and I.

Standing in front of us, the Knight who seems to be the leader of the group (well besides Kylo that is) bows before Kylo and I.

"My lord, it is good to have you back" the Knight says in a deep and a bit muffled voice, due to the mask.

"It's good to be back" Kylo responds.

"I would like to introduce you guys to Rey.  She will be training with us and I want you guys to treat her with as much respect as you give me" Kylo says in a voice that demands to be listened to.

"As you wish my lord" the Knight says speaking for all of them.

"Disperse" Kylo says with a gesture of his hand.

They leave and once again it's just us.

Kylo turns and stares at me for a moment with that look again.

"Follow me Rey I will show you to your room" he says.

We walk out of the room and down another long hallway before walking up some flights of stairs and another hallway.

When we finally reach my room I'm out of breath and my feet are killing me.

"There are no elevators in the castle.  Everything is very old-fashioned besides a few things" Kylo says.

"No kidding" I sarcastically heave out as I try to catch my breath.

Kylo opens the door and we walk inside.

I gasp as I look around the room.  I can't deny it, the room looks absolutely amazing.

The bed is huge with a red canopy over it, red chandeliers light up the room giving it an eery red glow, the ceiling is really high and has the gothic architecture of the castle to it, dressers and doors set on one side of the room where I'm guessing the bathroom is, red chairs and couches are in a corner on the other side of the room with bookshelves surrounding them that reach high towards the ceiling.

It's so beautiful in here but I can't imagine staying here.  I'm not used to this much space.

Kylo finally speaks up.

"What do you think?" he asks.

"It's beautiful" I say.  "But I don't need all this space.  I'm fine just staying in a small room with a bed and dresser if even that."

"Rey you are not some scavenger anymore.  You deserve to be treated like royalty."

"But this is kinda a bit too much for me."

"Well this is the only room I'm giving you" Kylo says.  "Rest up because tomorrow training begins."

With that said Kylo turns and walks out of the room leaving me alone in a big eery space.

I decide to go see what's behind those doors and find a closet that is unbelievably huge.  I don't have or need that many clothes.  I just see this as some wasted space.

The other two doors lead to the bathroom.  If the closet and bedroom didn't already take my breath away, the bathroom definitely did.

It has the same eery gothic design as the bedroom did.  The bathtub might as well be called a pool. (A/N: Idk if they have pools in Star Wars and frankly, I don't care.  In my mind they do.)

The bathtub is a black matte and has different decorations and designs covering the inside and outside.

There is also a refresher. (A/N: I think that's what they call showers.)

The toilet is also a matter black to match the tub.

The sink has dark wood cabinets and a silver sink and faucet.

A vanity sits on the far wall when you walk in and a mirror is placed along the whole back wall.  It makes the room seem to stretch for miles and miles.

I decide to hop into the refresher and clean all the dirt and smudges off of me.

Once I'm done I walk out and decide to try and get some sleep. 

I make up my mind that if I'm forced to be a prisoner here I might as well make the most of it.

Maybe I could annoy Kylo into letting me leave.

I crawl into the oversized bed and burrow myself under the blankets.  This bed is the softest thing I've ever felt.

Closing my eyes I drift off into a wonderful unconsciousness.

A/N: I know this chapter isn't that long but I wanted to publish it instead of publishing nothing.

Right now I'm waiting for my flight to go to LA.  I'll probably post some pictures of my trip lol.

Well that's all for now, godspeed rebels!

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