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-The Aizawa residence
12:00 am-

Izuku plopped on the couch and groaned. He hid his face with his hands, he had just exchanged numbers with a STRANGER! Dabi was a little older than him and looked really suspicious. But, one part of Izuku trusted him. He snuggled under a nearby blanket.


That was the sound of Izuku's notifications. He was frozen in shock. He had never received a text from anyone other than his dad, Hizashi, or Nemuri. He hesitantly grabbed his phone to look at the text.

Hey. I can't seem to sleep, you wanna talk?

Izuku held in his breath as he was typing.

Hey. I can't seem to sleep, you wanna talk?

Sure. I'm all ears!

I'd like to know more about you.

I'm not that interesting XD

You are interesting to me.

Izuku was as red as a tomato. Well, Dabi was being awfully nice. Kurshi walked by and tried to jump onto the couch. But with her stubby legs and fatness, she could barely move an inch. Izuku picked up the smol cat up and placed her on the couch. Izuku checked the time on his phone.

13:00/1:00 a.m

Izuku's eyes widened. He didn't know it'd be THAT late. He texted Dabi a goodnight and went to sleep.

-The Next Day
Izuku's POV-

Izuku yawned. He rubbed his eyes and got up lazily. Today was a school day, Izuku knew that Bakugou had been expelled so he should be safe. He didn't feel safe. That experience shook him to the core.

'Your so weak' An imaginary voice cooed in his ear.

'He must be so disappointed in you' Another said.

Izuku bit his bottom lip and blurred out the voices. He got ready for school. Izuku was expecting for his father to be sipping coffee in the kitchen. He didn't see him though. It just made Izuku feel...alone. As if heaven answered his prayers, he got a phone call. Izuku looked at caller ID.


He happily answered it.


"Hey Izuku!"

"Ah, thank you for calling me. I wanted to talk to somebody. My dad isn't at home."

"Ha! I answered your wishes!"

"Haha, yes you did. Thank you."

"Shouldn't you be off to school?"

"I have a while before school starts."

"Hm, well how is going to the number one hero school in Japan?"

"Ahh, so far....not so good."



"You can tell me anything."

"Or do you not trust me..."

"No, no, no! I trust you! It's just...
On the first day I...kinda got beat up. Like...reallyyy bad...."



"Y-you're alright now...right?"

"Yeah! Perfectly fine!"

"Are you sure? I can come check on you or-"

"It's alright! You don't even know where I live...haha. I'm fine though, really."

"If you say so..."

"I have to go, I'll call you when I'm free."


The call ended and Izuku felt more alone. He didn't want to feel like that because he knew that wasn't true. He wasn't alone. He had all the love in the world.

Your selfish

He gives you everything

Other people would die to be in your place

Your taking everything for granted

Izuku gave in to his thoughts. He was shaking. He was selfish. He was taking everything for granted. His dad doesn't want a selfish child. Would he be happier without him? He probably would...
He wants his dad to happy. As long as his dad is happy nothing else matters.

"I'm just a burden he has to carry"


Howdy y'all. I've decided that I will be posting one chapter of both books only on weekends. I hate school. Also, I've been thinking to change the name of the book. You can recommend any and I'll put them into consideration. If you want to see my ideas you can look at my message board. Oh yeah, I'm also getting an Aizawa plush and I'm so happy! All I'll need is a Izuku plush and we'll be fine XD

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