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Warning! Blood and gore!
-No one's POV-

Izuku was running full speed to school. He got too lost in his thoughts he totally forgot school was a thing. By the time he got to the classroom he was panting heavily. "S-sorry I'm l-late...
Izuku managed to wheeze out. Aizawa, being the overprotective dad he is, grabbed Izuku and stuffed him into his sleeping bag. "I don't want you to move or talk." Aizawa uttered while glaring at him, a glint of worry in his eyes.


"I said don't talk!"

Aizawa snapped at the freckled boy. Izuku stayed quiet and snuggled in the sleeping bag, which oddly smelled fresh. Although, Izuku thought he might've felt a few empty juice pouches in there. Other than that it is comfy.

Aizawa went on to talk about going on a field trip. He wouldn't tell them exactly where they were going.

~~At USJ~~

The whole class walked into the building and looked around in awe.

"Welcome to the Unexpected Simulation Joint, or more commonly referred to as USJ!" The Pro Hero, Thirteen, exclaimed.

Everybody smiled widely, Uraraka and Izuku were freaking out due to the Pro Hero right in front of them. Aizawa was pouting a little. He didn't like the fact that Izuku was fanboying about another hero. He was his father! Izuku was supposed to look up to him! Aizawa snapped out of his jealous state when Thirteen quietly asked him where Allmight was. Aizawa put up three fingers. Thirteen nodded their head and continued to talk to the students. Just then a warp gate appeared.

"Woah, we're starting already!?" Kirishima shouted.

Aizawa looked back. Faux villains weren't apart of this trip.

"Those are real villains!"
Aizawa told the hero's in training. Most of them gasped. They weren't ready for this.

"Thirteen! Protect the kids!" After Aizawa gave Thirteen those orders he hopped off to fight those villains.

"Wait! Aizawa-Sensei! You can't possibly fight off those villains all by yourself! Your quirk can't deal with that many people at one time!" Kirishima tried stopping Aizawa.

"You can't be called a hero if you have only one trick in your sleeve..." Izuku uttered to no one in particular. He was itching to help his father fight, but his dad was strong. Besides, he would just get in the way and make things worse. Izuku shook away the bad thoughts and focused.

'You can't lose yourself right now!'
Izuku thought to himself.

While Izuku was in his own little world, they were all surrounded by purple mist. The students saw a mist man.
'Must be his quirk.'
The students had the same thought.

Izuku didn't do anything. He was too worried about his dad. He couldn't see him through all this mist. He believed in his dad, he truly did. 3

Everybody turned around to look at the boy. It was very unusaul for this shy boy to snap. No one expected that from him.

"As you wish."
The mist man spoke. They were all teleported to different areas of the building. Izuku was plunged deep underwater. While he was trying to swim to the surface to breath, he was confronted by an underwater villain. No matter how much he struggled to fight off the villain, but he just couldn't.
Right when he thought he was going to take his last breath, a long tounge wrapped around his waist and pulled him out of the water. Izuku inhaled a large amount of air.

He looked over to thank his savoir.
Before he could say anything he was thrown onto a boat. Not long after, Tsuyu hopped onto the boat.

Aizawa's POV-

UGH! This hurts so much! I feel like I can drop dead any second! I can't give up now...for my students...for Izuku.

I was fighting off many different villains. I can easily fight all of them off-


"UGH" I groaned out in pain. My face was repeatedly smashed onto the ground by an unknown force. It hurts.
I wail out in pain more, and more. I feel the blood dripping from my face. Please, please, please, I can't die...I need to be there for my see him smile, to see him laugh, to see him be happy with me.

"DAD!" I heard a wail.
The nomu lifted my head once more, I could see who the voice belonged to.

"Izu-" Before I could yell out his name, my face was forced into the concrete.
"LET HIM GO!" I heard another wail.
I tried to tell him to stop and go away but my voice was so raspy, I could barely manage a cry for help. I was helpless. I can't give up now, not with Izuku watching. I could feel myself slip away. Is this how I'll die? To a bunch of lowly villains. I'm not gonna die. I'm not going to let myself.

"Izuku-", I managed to huskily whisper out before closing my eyes.

-No one's POV-

Izuku was crying out. Horrible thoughts plauging his mind.

"DAD!" he cried out. He rushed to his side, not caring about the danger he was in.

"WHAT DID HE DO TO YOU!?" Izuku cried darker than expected.
He held onto his dad, crying like a lost child. A man with a hand on his face smiled like a maniac.

"You must be his little brat."
The hands man called out. Izuku gritted his teeth as he held onto his dad's shirt sleeve. He clenched his fist as his facial expressions got darker by the second. That was until Izuku started smiling, then laughing.

"You can't get away with this you roach!" Izuku laughed more and more until lunging at the hands man. The man's eyes widened. Izuku grabbed onto his shirt sleeve and made a flower sprout. The flower stayed there for a moment. The hands villain stared at it for a moment until laughing.

"What does your useless quirk do!?" The man asked while laughing. Izuku smiled and lifted up his hand. He snapped his fingers and as if on cue, the once pretty flower, was now on fire. The fire traveled his whole body.

"AHHHH" The man cried out in pain. Izuku started laughing at the man's tragic state. "NOMU! ATTACK HIM!" The man screeched while attempting to put the fire out. Izuku's eyes widened.
The nomu attacked Izuku by punching him in the stomach repeatedly. Izuku screamed in pain. The nomu then grabbed Izuku's left arm and pulled it. Izuku heard something crack. It was his arm...the nomu snapped his bone. Izuku was fighting to stay awake. That was until he heard "I AM HERE! "

That's when Izuku smiled and closed his eyes, knowing he was safe.


This chapter is longer than usual soo....I don't have much to say for the author's note.

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