Chapter 8

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Tiblisi took Mo's town car equiped with a driver who dropped her off at her apartment in Centretown. She let herself into her rustic farmhouse chic pad where she was happy to say she had slayed quite a few handsome gentlemen. The crisp clean white walls were a given that she wasn't allowed to paint the place, but she had matched that simplicity with wooden neutral furniture to give an homage to how her Mother used to decorate while she was growing up. She had always felt homey and cozy here. The champagne she had drunk at Mo's had made her a little nostalgic and frankly,  a little weepy. Enough of  this reminiscing she'd have to start going threw this and packing. Funny, she thought, its the second time in two days I've needed to use cardboard boxes. Well security gig, here I come I just need to put all this stuff in storage for the time being. She was confident she'd be back on her feet and out of Mo's estate in no time. Her cell buzzed, it was Mo. "Guess what" she announced, "I'm coming over to help you pack! How's that sound?" She was genuinely curious if her presence were welcome. Tiblisi paused and Mo began to second guess herself. "Or if you prefer I could hire some moving men to move your stuff into storage and wait around here for you?" Gosh, Mo was a sweetheart, with an unlimited bank account to show those who loved her just how much she appreciated them.

"No, that's not necessary! Why don't you come over with some champagne and more boxes if you can, we'll make a night out of it!"

"On my way! I've got champagne handy, I'll see what I can do about the boxes." Mo was a saviour. Thirty minutes later she was there, with as promised champagne and also the not so as promised heap of huge cardboard boxes.  

"Those stairs, how did you deal with those every time you came home?" she asked huffing a wee bit. On the third floor walkup, Tiblisi never had much of a problem. "To quote Bridget Jones' Diary I have more 'climbers legs' than you do, and come on, where's that push a lawnmower type I depend on, our workout for the night is just getting started." Tiblisi threw a shower towel at her that happened to be in front of her in a hamper. Mo caught it obviously offended and threw it right back at Tiblisi's face. "You bitch! You know I'll be helpful, that was just a warm up." She laughed while grabbing two coffee mugs out of the cabinet in the tiny kitchen.  "Not flutes, but they would have to do."

" I'm so happy you're here Mo" Tiblisi confessed "this place is sort of a land mine for me, makes me think of my Mom and just Tom a little I guess." Tiblisi hugged her arms together like one would do when they're freezing to death in some torrid storm in the 1800s. Mo didn't hesitate and crossed the room to hug Tiblisi. "Hey, what are friends for?" she asked, pinching the bridge of Tiblisi's nose. A trait she had recently picked up that was rather sweet Tiblisi thought. It sort of meant 'don't worry your pretty head about it darling, everything will be okay.'

They decided to start packing and thought they'd start with Tiblisi's closet. They pulled out a filing cabinet out of the remnants of everything that had flooded onto the floor. Scarfs galore. It was a fad that Tiblisi loved. She picked one off the ground and over exaggeratingly threw it around her neck. "Maybe I should hang myself with it" she was joking but Mo looked pissed at this comment. "Wait, before you do that, look what a found in your filing cabinet" she pulled out what was about a gram of weed. "I had to open three boxes to find it, oh my god you were really worried you'd get raided by your friends at the department wern't you?" Mo laughed and smelt the contents of the small plastic bag, "skunkie.  Let's light up!" Tiblisi took the scarf off and admitted she hadn't seen that plastic bag or even known the contents of marijuana were still there. "I hid it so well, I forgot I that I had it. Hold on, let me make a cosmo, I had your driver stop by the liquor store, do you want one?"

"You know me darling it's all champagne all the time!" Mo smiled coyly, "I can't believe you, a decorated detective, had marijuana in your possession and before it was legal no less, you really do tip the scales between right and wrong don't you?"

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