Chapter 10

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Their next date was a week later at Jack's Mothers house for his sister Gwen. Gwen has Aspergers which manifested itself most identifiably in her need to repeat certain rituals, the main one being her need to watch the exact same food show every single day, practically all day. Her favourite was "Just Desserts" that boasted 130 episodes which spanned roughly 30 minutes, not including the commercials. You can see where Jack's Mother, Anita and Jack were increasingly worried of her obsession with this show and how it took up all her time. When Jack opened up to Tiblisi about Gwen's obsession, Tiblisi had an idea, she thought immediately of getting her Anthony Bourdain's "Parts Unknown" DVD boxset. An around the world look into global cuisine which also provided information on not only the food of the region, but of the culture, politics, languages and peoples of each area around the world that the show focused on. Tiblisi wasn't sure if Gwen would like it, but she was sure both Jack and Rose would love that she tried to get her hooked on something that would show her the world, while also being about food. Tiblisi herself loved the program and thought it would benefit Gwen just as much, that is, if she gave it a try. 

They entered Rose's backyard around 1pm and the party hadn't gotten going too much yet. "Are we early" Tiblisi asked Jack, there were only about 10 people here. "Nope, the party is already in full swing" Jack answered amused. "Gwen's not one for friends. These lovely ladies are from my Mother's bridge and book club. Gwen doesn't mind them too much if they don't double dip their chips and leave her alone." That was kind of sad Tiblisi thought but was glad she knew of the 'no double dipping chips' rule. 

As promised, when Tiblisi looked around they were mostly woman in their 60s and 70s mostly wearing smock like dresses that were ranging from puke green to overwhelming floral arrangements. The backyard was ample and held a fire table in the corner, a beautiful immactuatly kept garden that lined the right side of the back property.  Rose was obviously an avid gardener. To the left was the food table that held a series of glorious looking goodies. Tiblisi thought it would be safer if she stayed away from the chips all together not to offend Gwen. The presents were all aligned on the patio table with several mismatched chairs all surrounding it. Tiblisi sat down at one of them while Jack went to check out the food. He came back a minute later with a kabob of chicken and grilled onion. "One of Gwen's favourites, she loves Middle Eastern food" he said swallowing an obviously too hot piece of chicken. He waved at his mouth in vain before offering Tiblisi if she wanted anything. "No thanks I'm good. Where's Gwen?" she asked, wanting to meet her. "Oh I'm sure she'll be down later. Relax, I'll grab you a juice, what's your preference, apple or cranberry?" He was wearing his dark beige corduroys that she loved. He looked youthful being in his childhood home. "You grew up here?" she asked wanting to learn more about him. "Yeah ever since I was three." He trailed off and his eyes grazed to the garden.

"Beautiful flowers, your mother an avid gardener?" 

"You should ask her about it, she'd love it, gardening she says is where she meditates. But don't suck up to her too bad, she hates phonies."

"Well I have nothing to worried about" Tiblisi laughed, "maybe I'll tell her it looks like it needs watering." They laughed together. "Maybe stick with sucking up" Jack laughed, "safer route."

Anita exited the small Cape Cod style abode and smiled a huge smile when she spotted Jack at the patio table, sitting next to a rather stunning brown haired lady to his right. They were gazing at each other like two new lovers could only do. Or maybe some lovers continued to look at each other like that after years of being together. She wasn't that lucky with her ex husband, Jack and Gwen's father. After Gwen was diagnosed, it was too difficult for him to deal with and he split. Thank goodness he kept paying child support and gave them the house in the divorce. She speculated he himself had been so generous because he knew he was being a coward leaving. She put the thought out of her mind and approached Jack while carrying a warm tray of crab dip and whole grain crackers. Tiblisi and Jack both stood up when she approached, Jack taking the heavy tray from her while she kissed him on the cheek and gave his arm a squeeze. "I'm Anita," she held out her hand to Tiblisi "and you might be?" 

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