Chapter 15

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As Tiblisi reached the main entrance of the airport her heart quickened and she felt almost faint. She knew in her heart she wasn't making a mistake by at least going to see what he had to say for himself, of his betrayal. She straightened her suit jacket under her coat, fluffed her hair and rolled her luggage through the entrance gates of the airport not really sure what to expect. It was cold, she wrapped her coat tighter around her frame and looked from side to side not seeing him anywhere. Well, for goodness sakes, she thought. Then two freezing cold hands covered her eyes and she knew it could only be one person. Unless she was about to have her purse and luggage stolen from her. "Jack?" she breathed a sigh of relief when he spun her around and kissed her. She could barley make him out before he planted one on her but she knew that kiss from anywhere. Her shoulders immediately relaxed and she breathed him in. They pulled themselves away from each other after a minute. There was so much they each had to say. 

Jack looked sheepish and almost humbled but he spoke first. "That's what I'll be missing if you move to Toronto. Not just that but holding you and talking to you and hearing your inane speculations on people in high powered government jobs. Do you know every time I walk past that building I think of you?" 

"I don't have inane speculations I watched 'Suits'!" 

"Have you?" Jack raised an eyebrow looking bemused.  Tiblisi flushed "I've seen the commercials for it!" Tiblisi looked immediately hurt and Jack thought okay wrong tactic. 

"What I'm trying to say Tiblisi is I know you hate dragons, I know I offended you but you have to know deep down I'm good. What I did to you I did out of love and loyalty to my friend and what you must see is that after I met you I fell in love and now all that love and loyalty I'll give to you 100%. I love you, I'm in this for the long haul."

Tiblisi on the inside was gushing, this is exactly what she needed to hear. But she was sidetracked. "Im freezing, are you allowed back in the building?"

"Oh no, there's a cop waiting just inside. Can I take you out for a coffee? Lets go to Centretown, its close to my place" Jack was standing on pins and needles, he just wanted her away from the airport so she couldn't leave him forever. 

"What about my career?" Tiblisi was thinking everything through very quickly. She had already made up her mind but she needed his reassurance. "Everything will be fine, I have a rent controlled apartment and I make enough from my teaching job. I'll look after us." He smiled, never had he been so sure of anything in his entire life. "Now, what about that coffee?" 

An hour later they were sitting enjoying a coffee in Centretown when Tiblisi's cell buzzed. She looked at the caller and found it was an old friend from the department. She immediately picked up with a newly found sense of wonder. She immediately answered. "Hey Ashley, how are you?" Tiblisi asked, knowing there was information coming.

"I'm fine, it's buzzing down here. Listen, I know you wanted to be kept apprised of the Drew Connor case. They found the killer and he's confessed. It's a friend of Connor's going by the name of Edmund Guard. His wife found the knife that stabbed Drew Connor's family between the boxspring and the mattress. DNA all matches. I mean, can you believe the poor wife, having to turn him in? Turns out this guy, Guard, his MO is falling in love with his friends wives and becoming so insanely jealous he murders them, and in this case, his friends son."

Tiblisi all of a sudden thought she wasn't seeing clearly and dabbed at her eyes with the sweater that was pulled over her hands. She felt faint but not for the same reason she had earlier. She clutched the table so as not to fall completely off her stool. "Umm" Tiblisi could barely manage getting that out. "Listen its a gong show down here, have to talk later. I'll call you soon. Bye" Ashley ended the call, just like that. Tiblisi was struck by horror and couldn't make out words.

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