Chapter 14

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"Jack you sound upset, is everything alright?" Anita was curious at her sons morose voice over the other end of the line. 

"Yeah Mom, everything's fine." 

"You know I really liked that Tiblisi, even though she had a hippy name... you wouldn't believe what an impact she had on Gwen, when will we be seeing the two of you again?"

"I don't know Mom, there is actually something I have to tell you."

"Jack, before you say, did you know Gwen has been watching that Anthony Bourdain show that Tiblisi got her for her birthday, well, she's recently been Googling countries wherever he goes and getting an in-depth look at the histories for those places, I mean what they do beyond the show. And she even brought up the possibility of getting a history degree. Her going back to school can you believe it?" Anita couldn't hold back tears on the other end of the line, she was on cloud nine. She had always been a happy cryer. The thought of Gwen getting back into the world was too good of news to hold back from Jack.

Jack was completely flabbergasted. "Wow Mom that's amazing. What are the chances you think she'll follow through. I mean girls can be so finicky." He didn't want to get his Mom's hopes up too high.

"Jack what's wrong? This is great news... is this about Tiblisi?"

"Listen Mom" Jack had the wind taken out of him "...I should go, I'll talk to you soon and send Gwen my love"

"Will do hun, and tell Tiblisi I said hello, that's one gypsy I like."

Jack sighed, "okay Mom, love you" They hung up and as much as Jack loved his Mother he was grateful to get off the phone with her. He had other things on his mind. He wandered into his bathroom and saw the completely immaculately clean tub. He was feeling like he wished he could go back in time and punch Edmund, that snake. But it was true what Sal had told him, that Edmund hadn't been the same since Drew's family was murdered. Sure, everyone went a little crazy after that, or Jack would have never had agreed to pose for information on his friends predicament. Jack aligned his thoughts back to the future. He wasn't sure how he felt about Tiblisi at first, he thought she was sort of pushy to be honest. But everything after that first initial negative thought of her just evaporated after he walked her home. He liked who he was with her, he liked talking to her and holding her. "Fuck" he murmured then aggressively kicked the tub. There was something he could do. He wasn't sure of how serious she was about moving to Toronto, but since she needed work, it wasn't that outlandish to think she was going to go through with it. He didn't have much time. It was the morning after she had heard the news from Edmund of his betrayal and he knew time was of the essence. He had to make things right before that poisonous information could seep its way into her heart, turning her off all dragons -and him in particular - for good. 

He tried her cell and it went right to voicemail. He was going to leave a quick, concise message but sort of got side tracked. "Tiblisi, it's Jack. I know what you must be thinking, and you must know everything Edmund said was true. I did approach you that night at the bar because I wanted to get information out of you. But, you have to know I fell in love with you. Do you hear me? I fell in love and if I fell in love with you I think you fell in love with me too. Lightening strikes both ways you know. Anyways I have to talk to you, don't move to Toronto, thats crazy, I'll look after us. And you know what don't leave Mo's" he felt invigorated "I'm on my way over right now."

He whistled going to the flower shop, how he thought everything was going to be okay he didn't know. His secret was out but he had flowers - white and red roses. Well maybe his mood was based on the knowledge that she loved him too, and people didn't throw that away based on an early transgression. This was going to be okay. He paid for the pricey bouquet and returned to his car to set forth to Mo's estate. He hoped Mo wouldn't play referee this time. He wanted direct contact to explain to Tiblisi in person. Maybe tell her how important Drew was to him, how'd they'd been friends since they were young. 

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