Chapter 13

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Their next date was again, at Sal's weekly poker game. Even after the comment Edmund had made the week previous, implicating Jack in his early betrayal, Jack felt confident he would keep his mouth shut this time. Only because Edmund must realize by Jack bringing Tiblisi to yet another poker game, how serious he must feel about her. Tiblisi and Jack arrived flustered from the flurries of snow outside and were welcomed with open arms by Sal. Tiblisi could see why men ritualized in this way around weekly poker. It was smooth and comforting to go through the motions and be able to gossip while either winning or losing your money to your friends. It was something she could see herself getting into on a weekly basis, maybe even join a book club that met weekly. Something she had always wanted to do but never could given her hours at the office. This new relationship with Jack was opening her up the life she could actually see herself living and enjoying. As oppose to the 24/7 slog she in the past adhered too around her former job. Of course she would have to get work again eventually she was feeling footloose and fancy free tonight. New relationship, new her. For some reason the job in Toronto popped into her mind, she didn't know why but it rubbed her the wrong way, absolutely it was a sure thing to guarantee her future but a future with what esteem behind it. She wanted Jack in her life and for the first time in her adult life, despite her unemployment, she felt things were where she wanted them to be. 

Jack again, gentlemen that he was pulled out her chair for her around the poker table after they had peeled off their late autumn garb. When Sal came in and asked what they wanted to drink, just like last time, oh how rituals were comforting, especially to Tibilisi who was an Ox and adhered to order and rituals above all, she asked for a Keiths then abtruptly changed her mind. 

"Actually, Sal? You don't have any of that champagne from last week lying around still do you? I'd love a glass of that." She didn't want to be so forward but when it came to champagne she couldn't exsactly hold back, she was only human after all. "Sure," Sal answered "its in the fridge!" 

"Allow me," Jack offered, "my lady would like that in a plastic cup or coffee mug?" he gestured formally getting himself up from the poker table. She laughed, "surprise me."

Jack got up and headed for the kitchen. The entire time they'd been there which hadn't been long but long enough for Tiblisi to notice, Edmund was just staring at her. When Jack went to find the champagne Sal had sat down to Tiblisi's right. She smiled awkwardly at Edmund then to Sal, not really knowing what to say. And at this point it didn't matter, Edmund himself had something to say. 

"Tiblisi you were a cop right?"

"Yeah," Tiblisi answered "before I got fired that is but I'm currently looking for work in security"

"That's great" But Edmund sounded unimpressed, "have you ever heard of the Drew Connor case?"

"Yes, that's the case I was working on before the department let me go... why?" she trailed the last word wondering where Edmund was going with this. How did he know Drew Connor? 

"Would you believe what a small world it is.  We all know, and by 'we' I mean Jack, Sal and I all know Drew Connor and I'm sure you'll be shocked to find out that thats why Jack approached you that night at the bar that you love so much in Centretown."

Sal interjected "Edmund don't..."

But Edmund continued "... it wasn't because he was so smitten with you that he just had to approach you, he approached you because he was trying to find out what you knew about our friend being in jail." He let the words hang in the air as Tiblisi heard dishes being moved around in the kitchen. Jack yelled out "Sal, where's the... never mind found it."

Tiblisi was trying to register all this information quickly in her head, the more the seconds past the more she began to grit her teeth together. She didn't even see it coming, and her, a noted officer and detective of the law. It was like she was being fired all over again and to add insult to injury she fell for someone who was lying to her.  She sat frozen for another second and then quickly gathered her things in her possession. As she headed for the door, Jack emerged from the kitchen, champagne in hand still frothing over the top. 

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