Chapter 2: Those Eyes

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The icy blue orbs of the brunette woman sent Cornelia into a strange trance-like state, her head slowly tilting to the side and the pupils of her eyes widened. Did she see Mary Wardwell's true nature behind the facade? The pause between them was clearly going on for far too long and Mary pulled the green file closer to herself, snatching it out of the girl's fingers. The motion sending Cornelia off balance and watching her tumble forwards on the Principle's desk.

"Oooof..." the girl gasped, falling over and face planting onto a few stacks of paper. Quickly, Cornelia pushed herself up as she hastily tried to fix the paper stacks saying "Shit! Shit! Shit! I'm so clumsy, sorry, shit, shit, sorry" blushing hard Cornelia straightened up terrified as she suddenly realised what she had said. The small smirk on Mary's lips served as an indicator that the brunette woman had heard her every word. Turning a deep shade of red Cornelia mumbled, "Pardon me, Principal Wardwell, my language is utterly unacceptable. I am so, so, sorry..." A few more apologies flew in Mary's direction, making her smirk even wider and the woman emitted a light, amused chuckle.

For the mother of demons, who was stuck in this school, looking after a damn teenager half-breed, in this old town where nothing ever seemed to happen was bored. But this encounter certainly seemed to be fun and promised to be one she'll remember even after she would be finished with Greendale and its inhabitants. In this strange girl, there seemed to be something she wouldn't be able to forget. Mary couldn't figure out what it was just yet, that she found so fatally attractive and intriguing about this peculiar girl but she trusted her feelings on this one. Those were the feelings of the chills that ran down her body, making every hair stand up slightly and the tension at the bottom of her stomach followed by the feeling of her heart dropping all the way down and out of her body when this girl was looking at her. There was something in her eyes; those ocean-blue crystals that looked deep into Mary... Mary? No. Not Mary. Lilith. Those eyes were looking at no other but Lilith.

The heavy silence seemed to bring Mary back to her senses and as she re-directed her gaze away, both women straightened up and looked around a little confused. They rewarded each other with a small hesitant smile that Mary tried to make more of a professional-looking one. Cornelia seemed disorientated and decided to go for a professional approach. Mary made a concerned grimace, placing a hand on the girl's shoulder "Is everything okay Miss Moore?" The girl nodded her head and looked down again "Yes. Yes Principal Wardwell, I'm...I'm fine and... sorry..." she was about to come up with the excuse to take her papers and leave since she had probably already made enough of a mess here, but her trail of thoughts was interrupted. "Don't be" Mary dropped as nonchalantly as she could. "Excuse me?" Cornelia frowned, startled by the Principal's calmness after all that she had witnessed within the short timespan of no more than fifteen minutes, which Cornelia had spent in her office. "I said don't be." the woman repeated, "Don't be sorry Miss Moore. I understand that applying for a new school can be very distressing, especially in your circumstances." The woman paused studying the girl's face, seeing absolute terror. She smirked, enjoying the game she was playing, and continued. "You may start with grade 11 along with the rest of the students. There will be some paperwork that you will have to complete, explaining where you have been for the last two years and why you didn't attend school after your academic leave has expired but apart from that... I don't see any reason why you can't join us." The Principal smiled and Cornelia exhaled in relief as her body relaxed. "Thank you, Principal Wardwell" she whispered under her breath.

"Oh please," The brunette woman sighed "Call me Mary when we are on one to one. You're old enough to do so and you're not even a student here yet..." She noticed Cornelia's worried look at these words and smirked: "Well, I mean technically." The woman smiled, looking up at her "You know, I get tired hearing all this 'Principal Wardwell this and Principal Wardwell that...' all the time and until the school term officially starts I refuse to tolerate this status" the brunette laughed, pulling out a few stacks of papers. Flipping through them casually she pulled out some lists and forms, followed by the school's prospectus and a few other papers that the girl needed to fill in. Giving the big stack a flip through, she hummed to herself before looking back up at the girl "All the paperwork is here Cornelia. Fill these in and come drop them off to my secretary, Mrs. Meeks at the beginning of the term. Once they are processed through I'll call you in to sign an official school contract for the upcoming two years. How does that sound?" She asked with a soft smile and came out from behind her desk, leading the girl over to the door in a polite manner.

Cornelia nodded her head in silent agreement while hurrying to put all of the files away into her bag, as she didn't want to lose any of them. Seeing the Principal's intention of having her out of the office, she hurried to comply with it and forget about the total mess up that she had just had. The office door shut tightly right behind her and Cornelia turned around to drop another glance at the shut door, breathing a sigh of relief, happy that this nightmare was finally over, or so she thought. She smiled contently at the bag of papers in her hands, content with the fact that for once in a long while, she will come home to work on something that will help her get her life back on track. With that in mind, she quickly headed out of Baxter High Academy. 

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