Chapter 16: You'll Pay

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   Cornelia stayed silent, the adrenaline in her blood causing the girl's mind to turn into mash, eyes full of tears she turned her head to the window and looked away snuggling into the blanket. "Just don't be scared, I'm here now" Mary whispered, giving the girl's shoulder a gentle rub and starting the engine. Driving back, the brunette didn't seem to care about the speed limit or the road safety rules, knowing full well that Klaus will soon realise that the cheque she gave him earlier is fake and that his source of wealth is gone. 'That greedy bastard! I'll be waiting for you.' She thought to herself and pushed down on the gas pedal, the car let out a rumbling roar and sped off in the direction of the girl's cottage. In a few minutes time the two pulled up outside Cornelia's cottage, "I'll leave the engine on, let's get to my place before he catches up with us. Just take the necessities, I'll provide anything else that you might need" the brunette smiled and got out of the car "Shall I help you pack?" She asked but the blonde girl just shook her head "No, thank you, Miss Ward... I mean, Mary. Sorry. I'll be back in a couple of minutes." Saying this the girl placed the blanket on the front seat of the car and disappeared inside the cottage.

   It took Cornelia some time to make sure that she had packed all she needed at least for the next week or so. She knew that anything valuable should be the first to take as Klaus will rip this place to shreds once he gets there. 'School documents, my uniform, some clothes... Ah, yes, my mother's jewels' the girl paused her long fingers slowly brushing over the antique-looking pieces of jewelry, she let herself steal a moment for a couple of nostalgic memories before carefully placing them in her bag. Cornelia took a look around her bedroom adding a few more items of importance inside her emergency bag. Finally, twenty minutes later Cornelia was done packing and rushed outside. "That was quick" Mary hummed sarcastically as she helped to place the heavy bag inside the boot "I thought we agreed that you'd take only the necessities. Didn't know you'd pack to move in with me right away." She huffed, shoving the heavy bag a little further in. "Miss Wardwell, that commentary would be hardly appropriate" the girl giggled shyly making the woman's lips spread in a sly smirk "Not as inappropriate as finding out that my student is a dancer at an elite brothel. Now hurry, get inside the car!" she ordered getting into the driver's seat and putting on her seat belt. The two women left just in time, for a couple of minutes later, another car had pulled up in the driveway turning what seemed to be an ideal home into a wreck.

   Amongst the men that searched the house, trying to find any sign of where the girl could have gone to, was he, Klaus. The man ran from room to room, breaking the furniture and destroying all that came into his sight in fits of blinding rage. "Find that bitch!" He hissed at one of his helpers, sending a glass vase flying into a wall and crashing into thousand little pieces. For a moment the group of men froze on the spot like a hoard of schoolboys about to get scolded by the headteacher but as Klaus moved the group got back their senses and began to rush around twice as fast. Again and again, they turned the house upside down, opening all the cupboards, ripping mattresses in the rooms, and completely vandalising the property until one of them had finally found a clue to the girls' whereabouts. "Sir! I found a school prospectus for 'Baxter High' that's the local school!" He opened up the front page revealing a large image of Mary right there "Mary Wardwell, the school's Principal" he read "Sir, doesn't this look like that woman who took her away?"

   "Give that to me, you bloody cretin! Which one of you, fucking twats, let that bitch into my club!" Klaus screamed, waving the prospectus around in front of securities faces. "Fucking moronic pieces of shit!" he hissed making his way out of the house. "Get back to the club boys! I'll deal with you all later. Mark and Kevin, you're coming with me to get that slut back!" Klaus signaled for his men to get in their cars and rang up one of the police officers he knew in Greendale, offering some good discounts for the time in the club in exchange for the address.

   For the rest of the ride home, Mary seemed to calm down a little and the general atmosphere in the car seemed to brighten up. "You'll like it in my cottage, it's not as grand as yours but it's a nice retreat away from people." Mary shot a quick glance at the girl "Of course we better keep this a little secret, I'm not sure the school would like it much if they find out that one of the students is living with the Principal" she chuckled softly turning on the radio a little and jiving to Creedence's 'Bad Moon Rising'. "No, I suppose they wouldn't like that. Don't worry Mary, I'm good at keeping secrets" the girl pushed out a small smile and stayed silent for the rest of the ride.

   "Yessss!!!" a loud scream came from Klaus as his phone pinged revealing the home address of Principal Wardwell. He jumped in his car passing the address over to his boys and starting the car's engine "You'll pay for this baby. Just wait Corny, just you wait." 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2021 ⏰

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