Chapter 4: First Day at School

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September 2nd

8:30 AM

Baxter High Academy

Cornelia hurried down the halls with a large heap of papers in her hands. Weaving her way in and out of other students as they crawled around like a swarm of worms, trying not to drop or lose any documents on the way. At last, reaching Principal Wardwell's reception room, she stumbled inside and made a quick turn towards the Principal's door, hoping to place her bags on the chairs that were there but accidentally tripped and fell over, knocking Eileen down.

The young girl with light brown, curly hair, freckles, and big glasses landed on her bottom, watching as the papers fell out of Cornelia's hands and scattered across the floor. Eileen quickly brushed her hands over the floor next to her, in search of her glasses and finding them put them back on. Meanwhile, Cornelia bent down and looked at the girl "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to... I just, just... Tripped... Are you okay? Are you hurt?" she muttered looking at the girl in a concerned manner, but the girl just shook her head quietly "I'm not hurt, I'm okay it's no worries," she said and turned around to help Cornelia pick up the papers.

Mary heard some noise outside of her door and got up, slowly wandering over and gently pushing it open to see what had happened. Seeing two girls, who were crawling across the floor that was covered in papers. Her eyes quickly drifted away from Eileen and found themselves locked on Miss Moore, who was reaching under Miss Meeks's desk to pull the papers out and seemed completely oblivious to the fact that her tight-fit skirt was starting to crawl up the further she leaned forwards. The next few seconds were almost in slow motion for the excited Principal, she bit her lower lip, watching as more and more of the girl's pale thigh was becoming exposed, leaving less to the imagination with every second. But as much as Mary would have preferred to wait a little longer and get to see more of Cornelia's body, she felt it best to wait a little longer and feed her curiosity. The woman made a loud cough, making Cornelia shoot up and bang the back of her head on the table "Ouch!" she screamed and Mary gave out an amused chuckle and a soft "Ou, that will bruise." Miss Meeks shot a quick glance back at the principal and the brunette woman quickly made a stern-looking face "You should be more careful Miss Moore, we don't want you missing classes on the first day." She said strictly and smirked "Oh, and remember to be careful when crawling around, that skirt seems to be rather short for school" she winked, sending Cornelia into a deep blush as she pulled the skirt down. "Ah Miss Canmore, I was expecting you. Please come in," she said and turned around retrieving back into her office.

Cornelia quickly picked up the rest of the papers and looked over at the girl, she gave her a week

nonchalant smile in return and got up, making her way into the office. 'Fucking great, well done Cornelia!' she thought to herself and got up giving out a heavy sigh as she handed the papers over to Miss Meeks. "Um can you please pass these over to Miss Wardwell?" she asked shyly looking at the secretary "Of course, are you a new faculty member?" the secretary asked curiously as she looked the girl up and down, not sure what to think since the girl seemed too young to be a teacher and yet too old to be a student. "No, I'm a new student here" she smiled warmly and the secretary nodded her head. "I suppose Principal Wardwell has already given you all the information about the school?" the older woman asked as she took a white envelope from her desk, Cornelia nodded "Yes, I received all the necessary information upon my last visit here." Without further discussions, Miss Meeks handed Cornelia the envelope "That's the keys to your locker sweetheart." Putting it away, the blonde girl thanked the woman and hurried to get out of the office.

She headed across to the lockers, finding her own one being right at the end of the locker line. Unlocking it Cornelia spent the rest of the time she had, putting up the spare timetable she had printed out earlier and arranging her books in order for classes. 'Double Maths, Spanish, and double English right after' she read from the timetable 'Well you're in for a fun morning Cornelia Moore' she thought to herself, closing the locker.

"Ah!" she gasped loudly, jumping up in the air "Oh my god you scared me!" Cornelia mumbled as she exhaled deeply. Next to her stood the girl she had previously bumped into at the principal's office "Um, I'm sorry for bumping into you earlier." Eileen shrugged her shoulders "No worries at all, I understand that this was an accident and you had no bad intentions" she smiled "My name is Eileen" the girl held her hand out "Cornelia, but friends call me Corie or Nelly, whatever you prefer" she says, smiling and shakes the girl's hand. "Well nice to meet you Nelly" Eileen giggled, "Seems like we are locker neighbors, which period do you have first?" Cornelia instantly flipped the front page of her planner open and looked inside "Double math, I'm supposed to be in the first set and you?" she asked smiling "Oh, so you're in our year? All of Grade 11s have math at the moment" she sighed heavily "I'm in the third but I can take you over to the right classroom, they're in the same building anyways." 'She's so nice' Cornelia thought to herself and instantly nodded "That would be amazing! Thank you so much, Eileen!"

The day went by fast and both girls were busy going through their classes. So far everything seemed pretty straightforward and Cornelia was lucky to have Eileen helping her to navigate her way through the school's never-ending corridors. Finally, they had a small break, and afterward, they were in for two more periods before the day was over. "How's your day been so far?" Cornelia asked, looking at Eileen, as they met by the lockers to change their books just before their English class. "It' okay" the girl sighed "Not as bad as I thought it would be." Eileen checked Cornelia's timetable and smiled "But my day just got a little better, we have English together" she smiled "We're lucky to be in Miss Wardwell's set, she can be tough on deadlines but she really is an amazing teacher! I had her for the last four years now" Eileen smiled enthusiastically and hurried Cornelia towards the class. "Come on! Hurry, she doesn't like it when people are late."

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