Chapter 14: A Little Secret

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Okay so, please READ THE WARNING!!!

This is a very tough and dark chapter! I found writing something like this quite challenging and I'm warning you. There is a lot of SWEARING here if the bad language is a problem DO NOT READ! There are a reference and elements (like someone gets tied up) to non-concensual intercourse. If that triggers you DO NOT READ!


Now that you have been warned, for those who wish to continue, please read ahead:

   Despite the girl's petite features, unconscious she was much heavier than she initially looked. Bending his knees from the unexpected weight Klaus nearly dropped her but managed to regain his balance and pulled Cornelia back up, resting her weight on his shoulders. "Fucking shit!" He gave out a light groan while carefully pulling the limp body after himself and taking a break, their weight pushed against the wall as he gave out an exhausted sigh. Deep inside he regretted having to do this, regretted lying, regretted hiding, regretted having to force her, regretted not being able, to tell the truth, and to put this girl and her dignity before money. No, it was his burden that she could never know the truth, because if she did, how would he ever look her in the eyes again? Klaus felt himself shaking lightly and starting to sweat, hands cold in fear and disgust he felt towards himself. A light sob escaped his mouth "I'm such a swine" and for a second the facade broke "I'm sorry, I'm sorry Corny. I'm so sorry." At this moment he genuinely considered letting her go, abandoning the wicked plan in favor of the blonde-haired female who's life was about to be crushed by a group of filthy, lust-filled scum-bags. However, that was only for a moment, and the ideas of putting things right quickly vanished as his mind caught onto the thoughts of money, a lot of money... His gaze going glassy again, floating in the coziness of his thoughts about the life he will have, he pushed himself away from the wall. Feeling a rush of energy move through his body, Klaus panted softly as he picked the girl's body up into his arms and carried Cornelia out of the room. They walked down the dimly lit corridor and turned around the corner, struggling through a set of stairs, but in the end succeeding to get down to the basement.

   Downstairs was a spacious room, filled with all sorts of equipment... Every device made uniquely for the club and requested by the head members and stakeholders. In the middle of the room stood a double bed with four strong metal poles at each of the bed's corners and a black leather handcuff attached to each. Carefully, Klaus took the girl's body over to the bed, placing her onto it and stepping back with an exhausted sigh, taking his time to admire her body. God this girl was beautiful! Out of reach, he knew that the two of them could never be together but he still found the girl rather attractive. Over the last few months of her working for him, a few thoughts of different kinds have crossed his mind and late in the evenings during her shows or during the early afternoon practices that she often did during her first month there. He'd stay in the doorframe, watching her dance with that sly little smile of his, frozen on his lips while he felt a hellfire burning within him. A mixture of guilt, desire, disgust, pain, and even respect! Respect, for knowing that she would never agree to be more than a dancer, she was special, she was pure and it wasn't a matter of time like Gwen was saying, deep inside he knew that this girl would remain strong to her principles and he was proud. Proud... Though none of this mattered anymore, not when it came to wealth.

   Just like he was taught, Klaus cleared his mind taking a few deep breaths focusing on the empty darkness inside his mind he quickly undressed the girl until she was butt-naked and tied her hands and legs to the bed poles. "Can't run anymore" he smirked softly at the sight of the beautiful creature being completely at his mercy, a hint of sadness somewhere deep inside but over the years he learned to turn sadness into anger and then rage. Klaus took out a small glass flask and a cotton bud; with strong confident movements, he opened the flask, pouring some of the liquid over the bud, damping the cotton. Seconds later the flask returned to where it was before and the little bud rested beneath Cornelia's nose, making the female groan softly as she opened her eyes.

   Her mind was cloudy while it tried to wake her from the dormant state and she could hardly make out anything around her. Disorientated, head-heavy with pulsing pain, confused she tried to move her hands only to come face to face with the restrains that bestowed upon her in the form of those leather handcuffs, tied neatly around her wrists and as she soon discovered ankles. "No one to help you out now" she heard a familiar voice chuckling near her, frowning as she turned her head to the side and focused her eyes finally starting to see. There was a long pause as she looked at him and tried to sit up a few more times before finally realizing she was caught in a trap "Klaus, what's happening!?" The girl's voice shook as the horrifying truth had finally sunk in with her and her eyes watered "No, Klaus, I beg you! No..." she mumbled in a half-whisper "Please" her body writhed desperately trying to free itself, like a fly caught in a spider's web but this spider wasn't going to lose its prey "You should have listened. When I told you to do it, if you would have just said 'yes!' But no, you're too proud. You're not a little whore, are you? You're 'just a dancer!'" he chuckled softly "Is that what you think of the girls here? That they're just a bunch of whores, they're just sluts to you, aren't they?! Well, damn you bitch! What's better about you? Why are you so special huh?" Klaus leaned in closer to Cornelia's face, his lips only centimeters away from her own. 'No, he won't do this to me' she whispered in her head and closed her eyes holding her breath. 'One, two, three...' she counted seconds waiting to wake up from this nightmare. At last, she felt the intruder's breath move further from her skin and her eyes opened, waterfalls of tears bursting from the blue orbs "I'm not special, please. Klaus, I'm begging you, please." She pleaded but the rage had already won Klaus over. "Everyone hates you! But I'm going to fix this. You're my whore now and you will do as I tell you to do! We're going to show the girls that you're just the same."

   Klaus carefully straightened his blazer and fixed his tie, smiling, as he looked her in the eyes. "Here's what is going to happen. Upstairs, there's a group of men that REALLY wants to have some special time with you and you are going... " Stopping mid-sentence Klaus smirked as he remembered Lilith "Oh, almost forgot! Actually there's also a smoking hot lady up there too!" he chuckled softly before continuing "So as I was saying, I'm going to go upstairs and auction your sweet little face out to a lucky buyer and when they get down here, YOU will give them a FANTASTIC time and if you dare to pull some sort of a trick or ruin the moment for them I'll make you suffer so bad you'll be begging for me to let you get away this easily. Understood!?" There was no choice for her but to agree and the poor girl sobbed as she nodded her head.

   The second Klaus left the room; Cornelia pulled and pushed trying to free herself. Terrified of what was to come, she kept pulling, feeling her wrist start to ache and the helplessness began to mix with panic. Disturbing memories of the hospital she was kept in washed over her and for a few moments she went blind, not able to see anything but the white mist over her eyes as she began to scream. In a while she thought she could hear the voice of the monster doctors, it was getting closer so the girl quietened down, scared that they'll punish her for screaming. The heavy door of the room opened and Cornelia listened. "Welcome Miss..." Klaus paused for a moment trying to recall the name "Just call me Mary" the brunette reminded with a chuckle "Oh yes, I'm sorry, Mary" he smiled leading her into the room.

   "Oh my!" the woman exclaimed seeing the girl tied up and Klaus instantly tensed up "Oh, I didn't warn you. Satine, she... She loves it rough. It was her requirement to be tied up you know" he whispered to the side, pretending that he didn't want the girl to hear. "I'll leave you two be" he smiled "If you need anything I'll be up in my office but I'm certain that Satine here will take care of your every desire. Have a lovely night" he winked and quickly left the room.

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